Sains Malaysiana 30: 77-86 (2001)                                                                                                     Pengajian Kuantitatif/

Quantitative Studies


A Fast Higher Order Poisson Solver



M. Othman, J. Suliman & A.R. Abdullah

Department of Communication Technology and Network

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang

Selangor D.E.,Malaysia


J. Suliman

School of Science & Technoogy

Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


A.R. Abdullah

Department of Industrial Computing

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia






Makalah membincangkan satu penghampiran putaran bertertib empat dengan menggunakan pendekatan separuh sapuan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan Poisson dua dimensi dikenali sebagai satu penyelesai Poisson bertertib tinggi terpantas. Penyelesai ini telah menunjukkan kepantasannya jika dibandingkan dengan penyelesai Poisson bertertib empat merujuk kepada Gupta (1984).  Keputusan eksperimen daripada masalah ujian telah dimasukkan untuk menyokong dakwaan tersebut.





In this paper, we introduce a rotated fourth order approximation with the halfsweep approach for solving the two dimensional Poisson equation known as a faster higher order Poisson solver. The solver has been shown to be very much faster as compared to the standard fourth order Poisson solver due to Gupta (1984). The experimental results of the test problem were included to support our assertion.





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