Sains Malaysiana 36(2): 233-242 (2007)


Stand Structure and the Genetic Diversity of Koompassia malaccensis and

Dryobalanops aromatica in Unlogged and Logged-over Stands

(Struktur dirian dan kepelbagaian genetik Koompassia malaccensis dan Dryobalanops

aromatica pada dirian yang belum dan yang telah dibalak)


Kim Su Lee, Ratnam Wickneswari & Chee Yen Choong

School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Received :  18 November 2004 / Accepted:  9 February 2007



The disturbance level of two nearby logged stands, Compartment 118 and Compartment 69 were studied in Ulu Sedili Forest Reserve, Johor. The mean basal area for trees (trees ³ 1 cm dbh) in logged stand of Compartment 118 showed 51% reduction in comparison to immediately before logging of the same stand. A similar level of reduction (47%) was observed for mean density of trees in Compartment 118. However, the mean basal area and mean density of tree were higher in 50-year logged Compartment 69 (21% and 122% respectively) compared to Compartment 118 before logging. Concurrently, we examined the effects of logging on genetic diversity of seedling, sapling and mature trees of two important timber species, Koompassia malaccensis and Dryobalanops aromatica using M13 universal primer (multilocus minisatellite DNA) and three other universally-primed primers. Mature trees of K. malaccensis showed 39% reduction in Shannon diversity index (H) in Compartment 69 compared to Compartment 118 before logging detected by M13 universal primer. This may be attributed to the small sample size of the species in Compartment 69. Reduction in H and polymorphic loci (P) for K. malaccensis was higher in seedlings, 5% and 56% respectively in Compartment 69 compared to mature trees (3% and 23% respectively). Contrastingly for seedlings and saplings of D. aromatica, increment in H was higher in Compartment 69 than Compartment 118 immediately after logging, which was 25% and 14% for seedlings while 21% and 14% for saplings, detected by M13 universal primer. The increased genetic diversity detected for this species may be due to its high density in Compartment 118 and Compartment 69. Loss in alleles caused a decline in H of K. malaccensis, especially mature trees in Compartment 69. On the other hand, H of D. aromatica was not affected by loss of alleles.


Keywords: Selective logging; relative disturbance; genetic diversity; Koompassia malaccensis; Dryobalanops  aromatica


Tahap gangguan ke atas dua dirian pembalakan bersebelahan, Kompartmen 118 dan Kompartmen 69, di dalam Hutan Simpan Ulu Sedili, Johor telah dikaji. Min keluasan basal pokok (pokok ³ 1 cm dbh) di dirian terbalak Kompartmen 118 menunjukkan penurunan 51% berbanding min keluasan basal pokok sejurus sebelum dibalak di dirian tersebut. Min densiti pokok juga menunjukkan tahap penurunan yang sama (47%) di Kompartmen 118. Namun, min basal pokok dan min densiti pokok adalah lebih tinggi (21% dan 122% masing-masing) di Kompartmen 69 yang dibalak 50 tahun dahulu berbanding Kompartmen 118 sejurus sebelum dibalak. Pada masa yang sama, kami telah mengkaji kesan pembalakan ke atas kepelbagaian genetik anak benih, anak pokok dan pokok matang dua spesies pokok balak yang penting, Koompassia malaccensis dan Dryobalanops aromatica, dengan menggunakan pencetus universal M13 (minisatelit DNA berbilang lokus) dan tiga lagi pencetus universal yang lain. Dalam analasis pencetus universal M13, indeks kepelbagaian Shannon (H) bagi pokok matang K. malaccensis menunjukkan penurunan sebanyak 39% di Kompartmen 69 berbanding Kompartmen 118 sejurus sebelum dibalak. Penurunan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh saiz sampel K. malaccensis yang kecil di Kompartmen 69. Kadar penurunan nilai H dan lokus polimorfik (P) adalah lebih tinggi dalam anak benih (5% dan 56% masing-masing) berbanding pokok matang (3% dan 23% masing-masing) K. malaccensis di Kompartmen 69. Sebaliknya, peningkatan nilai H anak benih dan anak pokok adalah lebih tinggi dalam Kompartmen 69 berbanding Kompartmen 118 sejurus selepas pembalakan bagi pokok balak D. aromatica, iaitu 25% dan 14% bagi anak benih dan 21% dan 14% bagi anak pokok masing-masing untuk Kompartmen 69 dan Kompartmen 118 dirian terbalak. Peningkatan kepelbagian genetik yang dikesan dalam D. aromatica adalah disebabkan oleh kelimpahan pokok balak ini dalam kedua-dua kompartmen tersebut. Kehilangan alel menyebabkan penurunan dalam nilai H pokok K. malaccensis, terutamanya bagi pokok matang dalam Kompartmen 69. Sebaliknya, nilai H bagi pokok D. aromatica tidak dipengaruhi oleh kehilangan alel.


Kata kunci:  Pembalakan terpilih; gangguan relatif; kepelbagaian genetik; Koompassia malaccensis; Dryobalanops aromatica 



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