Sains Malaysiana 37(1): 21-32(2008)


Dynamics of Lauraceae Tress and Their Biomass in the 50-HA

Plot at Pasoh Forest Reserve, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

(Dinamik Pokok Lauraceae dan Biojisimnya dalam Plot 50-Ha di Hutan

Simpan Pasoh, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia)



M.S. Nizam, B. Norfazlina, A. Latiff

School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


M.N. Nur Supardi

Forest Research Institute Malaysia

52109 Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received:3 April 2007 / Accepted:25 May 2007





A study was carried out to look at dynamics and above ground biomass of Lauraceae trees in the 50 ha plot at Pasoh Forest Reserve, Negeri Sembilan.  Census data for the year 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000 were obtained from the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong.  The study was mainly focused on the year 2000 data; nevertheless, comparisons between each census year were carried out to look at variation between each census.  Based on the year 2000 data, a total of 6,667 stems of Lauraceae were recorded, representing 11 genera and 49 species.  The genera of Cryptocarya, Litsea and Beilschmiedia were abundantly present with 2,216 trees (33.24%), 1,769 trees (26.53%), and 673 trees (10.09%), respectively.  Species-wise, Litsea magnifica showed the highest number of individuals of 916 trees (18 trees/ha).  In general, distribution pattern analysis using Morisita’s Index of Dispersion (Id) showed a random distribution for this family with value Id = 1.02.  Estimation of total above ground biomass of Lauraceae for the year 2000 was estimated at 39.71 t/ha.  The genus of Litsea contributed the highest biomass with an estimation of 11.11 t/ha; species-wise, the Dehaasia cuneata indicated the highest biomass estimated at 5.16 t/ha.  As a whole, the number of deaths of Lauraceae stems is greater than the number of new individuals recruited during the 15-year census whereby deaths mainly occurred among small individuals with diameter of 1.0-19.9 cm.


Keywords:  species composition; growth; mortality; Morisita’s Index; distribution





Satu kajian telah dijalankan bagi melihat kedinamikan dan biojisim atas tanah pokok-pokok famili Lauraceae dalam plot 50 ha di Hutan Simpan Pasoh, Negeri Sembilan.  Data bancian bagi tahun 1985, 1990, 1995 dan 2000 telah diperolehi daripada Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM), Kepong.  Kajian ini  memberi fokus terutamanya kepada data bancian tahun 2000; bagaimanapun, perbandingan antara setiap tahun bancian turut dilakukan untuk melihat variasi antara setiap bancian.  Berdasarkan bancian tahun 2000, sebanyak 6,667 batang pokok telah direkodkan, mewakili 11 genus dan 49 spesies bagi famili Lauraceae.  Genus Cryptocarya, Litsea dan Beilschmiedia hadir dengan melimpah dengan masing-masing diwakili 2,216 pokok (33.24%), 1,769 pokok (26.53%) dan 673 pokok (10.09%).  Pada peringkat spesies, Litsea magnifica menunjukkan bilangan individu tertinggi berjumlah 916 pokok (18 pokok/ha).  Secara umum, analisis corak taburan menggunakan Indeks Morisita (Id) menunjukkan famili ini mempunyai taburan  rawak dengan nilai Id = 1.02.  Anggaran biojisim atas tanah famili Lauraceae pada tahun 2000 memberikan nilai 39.71 t/ha.  Genus yang menyumbangkan nilai biojisim atas tanah tertinggi ialah Litsea dengan anggaran 11.11 t/ha; spesies yang menyumbangkan nilai biojisim atas tanah tertinggi pula ialah Dehaasia cuneata dengan  nilai anggaran 5.16 t/ha.  Secara keseluruhan, bilangan kematian pokok Lauraceae adalah lebih tinggi daripada bilangan individu baru yang muncul dalam tempoh 15 tahun bancian, di mana kematian terutamanya berlaku ke atas individu-individu kecil dengan diameter antara 1.0-19.9 cm.


Kata kunci: komposisi spesies; tumbesaran; kematian; Indeks Morisita; taburan





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