Malaysiana 38(3): 353-358(2009)
Ketoksikan Logam
Kuprum dan Nikel Terhadap Udang
Air Tawar macrobrachium
(Toxicity of Copper and Nickel to
Freshwater Prawn Macrobarchium lanchesteri)
Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam
Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Received: 10 February 2008 /Accepted: 24 August 2008
Macrobrachium lanchesteri dewasa telah didedahkan selama empat hari di dalam makmal kepada satu siri kepekatan
logam kuprum (Cu) dan nikel (Ni). Masa kematian median (LT50) dan kepekatan kematian median (LC50) dikira
berdasarkan data kematian yang diperolehi. Di akhir hari yang ke-4, udang yang masih hidup digunakan untuk penentuan
biopemekatan logam. Nilai LT50 dan LC50 didapati meningkat dengan pengurangan kepekatan dan masa pendedahan
bagi kedua-dua logam (Cu dan Ni). Nilai LC50 untuk 24, 48 dan 96 jam bagi Cu masing-masing adalah 261.6, 171.6
dan 32.3 μg/L dan bagi Ni 30786.3, 28534.7 dan 8056.6 μg/L. Biopemekatan logam Cu dan Ni oleh M. lanchesteri
meningkat dengan peningkatan kepekatan pendedahan dan logam Cu didapati lebih toksik terhadap M. lanchesteri
berbanding logam Ni.
Kunci: Akut; Biopemekatan; Logam Berat; Macrobrachium Lanchesteri
Macrobrachium lanchesteri were exposed for a four-day period in the
laboratory condition to a range of copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) concentrations. The
mortality was assessed and median lethal times (LT50) and concentrations (LC50)
were calculated. At the end of four-day period, the survived prawns were used
to determine bioconcentration of the metals. LT50 and LC50 increased with
decrease in mean exposure concentrations and times respectively for the two
metals (Cu and Ni). LC50s for 24, 48 and 96 hours for Cu were 261.6, 171.6 and mg/L and for Ni 30786.3, 28534.7 and 8056.6 mg/L respectively. Copper and Ni bioconcentration in M. lanchesteri increases with increase in concentration exposure and Cu was more toxic than Ni
to M. lanchesteri.
Acute; bioconcentration; heavy metal; Macrobrachium lanchesteri
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