Sains Malaysiana 38(5)(2009): 665–672
Formulation Optimization and
Processing Parameter Establishment of
Canned Chicken in Kacangma Herbal Soup
(Pengoptimaan Formulasi dan Pembangunan Parameter Pemprosesan untuk
Ayam Berkaleng dalam Sup Herba Kacangma)
Chua Hun Pin*
Food Technology Research Centre
Malaysian Agricultural Research &
Development Institute
MARDI Station Kuching,
Lot 41, Block 14, Petra Jaya
93055 Kuching,
Sarawak, Malaysia
Aminah Abdullah
Program of Food Science
Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor
D.E., Malaysia
Received: 8 January 2008 / Accepted:
13 November 2008
formulation of chicken in kacangma herbal soup, a traditional delicacy of Sarawak was
developed. Processing parameters for the canned product was established. The
product was canned and retorted at 121¡C in an overpressure retort to
achieve commercial sterility. A three-component constrained mixture according
to a symmetrical-simplex interior design was used to determine the optimum
formulation. Result showed that a mixture with 82% blended ginger, 17% dried kacangma and 1% cornstarch would give a mean sensory
score of more than 6.6 for taste, colour, texture,
consistency and overall acceptability. Meanwhile, a score above 5.5 was given
for aroma. The study showed that the thermal process applied with Fo value of 8.36 is sufficient to produce commercially sterile
Canned chicken in kacangma herbal soup; Leonurus sibiricus; formulation three-component constrained
Formulasi masakan ayam dalam sup herba kacangma, sejenis hidangan tradisi Sarawak telah dibangunkan. Parameter pemprosesan untuk produk berkaleng ini telah dibangunkan. Produk ini telah ditinkan dan diretort pada 121¡C dalam retort tekanan untuk mencapai pengsterilan komersial. Campuran terbatas tiga komponen mengikut rekabentuk interior simetrikal-simpleks telah digunakan untuk penentuan formulasi optimum. Kajian menunjukkan campuran 82% halia kisar, 17% kacangma kering dan 1% kanji jagung akan memberikan skor nilai rasa melebihi 6.6 untuk rasa, warna, tekstur, kekentalan dan penerimaan keseluruhan. Manakala, skor melebihi 5.5 diperolehi untuk aroma. Kajian menunjukkan proses terma dengan nilai Fo 8.36 adalah mencukupi untuk menghasilkan produk yang steril secara komersial.
Kata kunci: Campuran terbatas tiga komponen; ayam berkaleng; sup herba ; Leonurus sibiricus
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*Corresponding author; email: