Sains Malaysiana 39(2)(2010): 227–231
Validation of a Solid Phase
Extraction Technique for the Determination of Halogenated Acetic Acids in
Drinking Water
(Validasi Satu Teknik Pengekstrakan Fasa Pepejal bagi Penentuan Asid Asetik Terhalogen dalam Air Minum)
Sadia Waseem & Md. Pauzi Abdullah*
for Water Research and Analysis, Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,
Selangor D.E., Malaysia
16 April 2009 / Accepted: 6 July 2009
Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are one of the most common disinfection by-products formed
during chlorination of drinking water. An analytical method involving solid
phase extraction (SPE) followed by
gas-chromatograph mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) was developed and optimized using experimental design to
determine the HAAs in water.
Selectivity, percent recovery, and detection limit studies were carried out on
a Silia-SAX (Trimethyl ammonium chloride) SPE. Under optimized conditions, average recoveries for nine HAAs spiked in drinking water samples range from 69.2% to 108.2 %.
The relative standard deviation (RSD) data were found to range from 2.5 % to 12.5% based upon five
repeat recovery experiments and detection limit range of 0.16 to 0.009μg/l
were obtained. On this basis, SPE was
studied as a possible alternative to liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) for the analysis of HAAs in water. The performance of the SPE-GC-MS with actual water samples was tested.
Gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry; haloacetic acids; SPE
Asid haloasetik(HAA) merupakan salah satu hasil sampingan utama disinfeksi yang terbentuk semasa proses pengklorinan air minum. Satu kaedah analisis yang melibatkan pengekstrakan fasa pejal (SPE) diikuti oleh kromatografi gas-spektrometri jisim (GC-MS) telah dibangunkan dan dioptimumkan berdasarkan teknik reka bentuk eksperimen bagi menentukan HAA di dalam air minum. Faktor kepilihan, peratusan pemulihan dan had pengesanan telah dikaji menggunakan Silia-SAX (penukar anion ammonium kuaternari) SPE. Di bawah keadaan optimum, purata perolehan bagi sembilan komponen HAA dalam sampel air minum adalah dalam julat 69.2% sehingga 108.2%. Sisihan piawai relatif(RSD) bagi lima ulangan eksperimen didapati mempunyai julat antara 2.5% hingga 12.5% dan had pengesanan mempunyai julat 0.16 to 0.009μg/l. Hasil ini menunjukkanSPE yang dibangun boleh digunakan sebagai kaedah alternatif menggantikan kaedah ekstraksi cecair-cecair(LLE) bagi analisisHAA di dalam air. Prestasi kaedah SPE-GC-MS yang dibangun diuji terhadap sampel air sebenar.
Kata kunci: Asid haloasetik; kromatografi gas-spektrometri jisim; SPE
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