Sains Malaysiana 39(5)(2010): 711–715
Effects of Vermicomposting
Duration to Macronutrient Elements
Heavy Metals Concentrations in
Jangkamasa Pengomposan Vermi Terhadap Unsur Makronutrien dan Kepekatan Logam
Berat di dalam Vermikompos)
Adi Ainurzaman Jamaludin* & Noor Zalina Mahmood
Institute of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Science, University of
Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received: 26 May 2008 / Accepted: 11
February 2010
using Lumbricus
rubellus was conducted in two different durations, 10 and 30 weeks in the
same plots. Three different of treatments combination were prepared with eight
replicates for each treatment namely cow dung : kitchen waste in 30:70 ratio (T1), cow dung : coffee grounds in 30:70 ratio (T2), and cow dung : kitchen waste : coffee grounds in 30:35:35
ratio (T3). Macronutrients elements in the
vermicompost from each treatment were measured in the tenth and thirtieth week.
Comparatively longer duration of vermicomposting by using Lumbricus rubellus enhanced the
quality of vermicompost by the increase of the macronutrient elements while
reducing the heavy metal concentration and C/N ratio.
Duration; heavy metals; Lumbricus rubellus;
macronutrient; vermicomposting
vermi menggunakan Lumbricus
rubellus telah dijalankan untuk dua jangkamasa, 10 minggu dan 30 minggu di
dalam plot yang sama. Tiga kombinasi rawatan disediakan dengan lapan replikat
untuk setiap rawatan iaitu najis lembu : sisa dapur pada nisbah 30:70 (T1), najis lembu : sisa kisaran kopi pada nisbah 30:70 (T2), dan najis lembu : sisa dapur : sisa kisaran kopi pada nisbah
30:35:35 (T3). Unsur makro-nutrien daripada
setiap rawatan dianalisis pada minggu kesepuluh dan ketiga puluh. Secara
perbandingannya, lebih panjang jangkamasa pengomposan vermi dijalankan dengan
menggunakan Lumbricus
rubellus, dapat meningkatkan kualiti vermikompos melalui penambahan
kandungan elemen makro nutrien di samping menurunkan kepekatan logam berat dan
nisbah C/N.
Kata kunci:
Jangkamasa; logam berat; Lumbricus rubellus; nutrien
makro; pengomposan vermi
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*Corresponding author; email: