Malaysiana 41(4)(2012): 493-497
A Replenishment Inventory Model for
Items Under Time-Varying Demand Rates
Considering Trade Credit Period and Cash
Discount for a Finite Time Horizon
Penambahan Inventori Bila Kadar Permintaan Berubah Terhadap Masa Dengan
Tertangguh dan Diskaun Tunai Dibenarkan untuk Masa Terhingga)
Mohd Omar*
of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
30 June 2011 / Accepted: 20 October 2011
researchers have developed various economic ordering quantity models by
assuming an infinite time horizon and constant demand rate. However due to
rapid technological advancement, shorter product life cycle and severe competition,
those assumptions are no longer realistic. In this paper, we complement that
shortcoming by considering an inventory model that satisfies a continuous
time-varying demand rate for a finite time horizon when trade credit period and
unit cash discount are allowed. The time horizon consists of n different cycles
with equal or different cycles length. The trade credit period was assumed to
be proportional to the cycle length. We developed mathematical models and
presented a numerical example to support the effectiveness of these models.
Cash discount; delay payment; finite horizon; inventory; time-varying demand
penyelidik telah membangunkan pelbagai model Kuantiti Pesanan Ekonomi dengan
andaian masa
tak terhingga dan kadar permintaannya adalah tetap. Bagaimanapun perkembangan
pesat teknologi, masa produk yang singkat dan persaingan yang hebat, andaian
itu tidak lagi realistik. Kertas ini akan menghilangkan kekurangan itu dengan
membina model inventori bila kadar permintaan berubah terhadap masa untuk masa
terhingga bila bayaran tertangguh dan diskaun tunai dibenarkan. Masa
perancangannya mengandungi n kitaran dengan tempoh yang sama atau berbeza.
Tempoh bayaran tertangguh diandaikan berkadaran dengan tempoh bagi setiap
kitaran. Kami telah membina model matematiknya
dan memberikan contoh berangka untuk menyokong keberkesanan model tersebut.
Kata kunci: Bayaran tertangguh;
diskaun tunai; inventori; masa terhingga; permintaan berubah terhadap masa
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