Sains Malaysiana 41(6)(2012):
Effects of Fine-Scale Pattern of Dwarf
Bamboo on Understory Species Diversity
in Abies faxonianaForest, Southwest, China
(Kesan Skala-Halus Buluh Kerdil Terhadap Kepelbagaian Spesies Bawahan
di Hutan Abies faxoniana, Barat Daya China)
Yong-Jian Wang & Xue-Ping Shi
of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University
430070, China
Yue Peng
Academy of Forestry Science, Chongqing 400036, China
Zhang-Cheng Zhong & Jian Ping Tao*
Key Laboratory of
Eco-environments of Three Georges Reservoir Region (Ministry of Education)
of Southwest University Chongqing 400715 China
13 September 2011 / Accepted: 22 December 2011
Dwarf bamboo is recognized as a
significant determinant of the structure and dynamics in temperate forests.
Quantitative relationships between the abundance (density and coverage) of
dwarf bamboo, Fargesia nitida, and
micro-environments, species diversity on the floor were estimated in an Abies faxonianapure forest in southwest
China. Understory micro-environmental conditions (daily differences temperature
and moisture, RPPFD under bamboo layer and
ground cover) changed dramatically with the bamboo density. Stepwise multiple
regression analyses indicated that abundance of F. nitidawas mainly correlated with canopy
characteristics and disturbance factors in the A. faxonianapure forest. All
richness indices decreased significantly with the bamboo density and RPPFD under
bamboo layer. Importance values (IV) of
understory species in different bamboo densities and Detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA)
indicated three understory plant groups, resistant to high bamboo abundance
(Group A), resistant to intermediate bamboo abundance (Group B) and sensitive
to bamboo abundance (Group C). These groups mainly responded to abundance of
bamboo and RPPFD under bamboo layer,
resulted from the integration of characteristics of bamboo, canopy and
topography factors. Different bamboo abundance had different influences on
understory species diversity and groups. Dense F. nitidacondition (> 10 culms/m2) had
significant negative effect and 0-5 bamboo condition had not significant
negative effect on understory species diversity in A. faxonianaforest.
We suggest the fine-scale analysis on effects of bamboo abundance should be
taken account into considering in heterogeneous patches in process of the
succession and regeneration of natural forests.
Keywords: Bamboo abundance; Fargesia nitida; relative photosynthetic photon flux
density; species diversity
Buluh kerdil diiktiraf sebagai penentu penting struktur dan dinamik dalam hutan beriklim sederhana. Hubungan kuantitatif antara kelimpahan (kepadatan dan liputan) buluh kerdil, Fargesia nitida, dan mikro-persekitaran, kepelbagaian spesies di atas lantai telah dianggarkan dalam hutanAbies faxoniana tulen di barat daya China. Keadaan mikro alam sekitar mikrokanopi bawahan (harian perbezaan suhu dan kelembapan, RPPFD di bawah lapisan buluh dan penutup bumi) telah berubah dengan dramatik dengan kepadatan buluh. Analisis regresi langkah demi langkah berbilang menunjukkan bahawa kelimpahanF. nitida terutamanya berkait rapat dengan ciri-ciri kanopi dan faktor-faktor gangguan dalam hutanA. faxoniana tulen. Semua indeks kekayaan menurun dengan ketara dengan kepadatan buluh dan RPPFD di bawah lapisan buluh. Kepentingan nilai-nilai (IV) spesies bawah kanopi dalam kepadatan yang berlainan buluh dan analisis kesetaraan kanun Detrended (DCCA) menunjukkan tiga kumpulan tumbuhan bawahan, tahan pintas kepada kelimpahan buluh tinggi (Kumpulan A), tahan banyak buluh sederhana (Kumpulan B) dan sensitif terhadap banyak buluh (Kumpulan C). Kumpulan-kumpulan ini terutamanya memberi respon terhadap banyak buluh dan RPPFD di bawah lapisan buluh, hasil daripada padat integrasi ciri-ciri faktor buluh, kanopi dan topografi. Banyak buluh yang berlainan mempunyai pengaruh yang berbeza pada kepelbagaian spesies bawahan dan kumpulan. KeadaanF. nitida padat (> 10 culms/mz) mempunyai kesan negatif yang ketara dan 0-5 keadaan buluh tidak mempunyai kesan negatif yang besar ke atas kepelbagaian spesies bawahan di hutanA. faxoniana. Kami mencadangkan analisis yang skala kecil ke atas kelimpahan perlu diambilkira ke dalam mempertimbangkan dalam tompok heterogen dalam proses penggantian dan pertumbuhan semula hutan semula jadi.
Kata kunci: Kelimpahan buluh; Fargesia nitida; ketumpatan fluks relatif foton fotosintesis; kepelbagaian spesies
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