Sains Malaysiana 41(6)(2012): 715–720
Carotenoid as a Potential Antioxidant
Marker for Schizophrenia
(Karotenoid Berpotensi sebagai Penanda Antioksidan bagi Skizofrenia)
T. J.
& H.C. Loh*
Chemical Enginnering, Department of Chemical Engineering , Faculty of Engineering and Science
UTAR, Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak,
53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received: 12 January
2011 / Accepted: 30 December 2011
Free radicals are results of aerobic
activities and can damage cells when present in excess by causing oxidative
stress. Antioxidants efficiently quench free radicals to counteract oxidative
stress. Carotenoids are antioxidants that have detectable natural colorant
which can be measured as indicator of antioxidant level in human. The aim of
this study is to investigate possible association of carotenoid antioxidant
levels in schizophrenia. A total of 524 patients with schizophrenia from
Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta,
Malaysia and 391 healthy controls were recruited. Subjects’ skin carotenoid
levels were measured through a non-invasive approach using Raman spectroscopy.
Patients with schizophrenia showed significant (p < 0.01) lower carotenoid
level compared to healthy controls. Factors such as gender, age, subtypes,
antipsychotic drug treatments, and duration of illness did not differ
significantly among patients. It is concluded that patient with schizophrenia
have low levels of carotenoid antioxidants and is suggested to experience
higher level of oxidative stress compared to healthy individuals.
Keywords: Antioxidant; carotenoid;
oxidative stress
Radikal bebas merupakan hasilan daripada aktiviti aerobick dan boleh merosakkan sel melalui tekanan oksidatif apabila hadir secara berlebihan. Antioksidan menghilangkan radikal bebas untuk mengatasi tekanan oksidatif secara berkesan. Antioksidan karotenoid adalah pewarna semula jadi yang dapat dikesan serta diukur sebagai penanda aras antioksida dalam manusia. Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk menyiasat kemungkinan wujudnya hubungan paras antioksida karotenoid dalam skizofrenia. Sejumlah 524 pesakit skizofrenia dari Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Malaysia dan 391 kawalan yang sihat direkrut. Aras karotenoid di kulit subjek diukur melalui spektroskopi Raman yang “tidak-invasif”. Pesakit skizofrenia menunjukkan paras karotenoid yang rendah secara nyata (P > 0.01) berbanding dengan kawalan sihat. Faktor-faktor seperti jantina, umur, sub-jenis, rawatan ubat antipsikotik dan tempoh sakit adalah tidak signifikan di kalangan pesakit. Secara kesimpulannya, pesakit skizofrenia mempunyai aras antioksidan karotenoid yang lebih rendah dan dicadangkan mengalami paras tekanan oksidatif yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan individu yang sihat.
Kata kunci: Antioksidan; karotenoid; tekanan oksidatif
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