Sains Malaysiana 42(1)(2013): 89–91
Bullous Impetigo: A Diagnostic Dilemma for Dentist
(Bullous Impetigo Peri-Oral: Satu Dilema Diagnostik untuk Pengamal
A.S.I. Zakaria* & S.N.M.P. Sockalingam
Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received:19 December 2011/Accepted:
18 May 2012
Bullous impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection commonly
affecting children due to epidermolytic toxins of bacteria Staphylococcus sp.
This presentation described a case of a 3 year-old Indian girl with bullous
lesion around the peri-oral region. The lesion was initially thought to be of
viral origin and was treated symptomatically. However, the lesion progressed
without any resolution with more vesicles at distant sites. The patient was
also having fever and refused any oral intake. At this point, a probable
diagnosis of bacterial skin infection was considered and the patient was
admitted. Intra-venous fluid was administered to rehydrate the patient and she
was treated with topical antibiotic and antipyretic. The lesion resolved within
14 days without scarring. As dental practitioners, we should be aware of
bacterial infection around the peri-oral region and consider it as part of a
differential diagnosis so that an appropriate treatment can be given.
Keywords: Bacterial lesion; peri-oral bullae; skin infection
Bullous impetigo ialah infeksi kulit yang amat mudah berjangkit. Ia kerap berlaku dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan terhasil akibat
racun epidermolitik yang dihasilkan oleh bakteria Staphylococcus sp. Makalah ini
membincangkan tentang lesi bula yang berlaku di kawasan peri-oral seorang
kanak-kanak perempuan India berusia 3 tahun. Lesi ini pada
mulanya dianggap sebagai jangkitan viral dan dirawat secara simptomatik. Akan tetapi, lesi ini tidak sembuh dan mula merebak ke bahagian badan yang lain. Pesakit pula mula mengalami demam dan enggan mengambil
apa-apa makanan. Pada ketika itu, satu diagnosis pembeza infeksi kulit
bakterial telah dipertimbangkan dan pesakit telah dimasukkan ke wad. Pesakit
telah diberikan cecair secara intra-vena untuk proses rehidrasi. Pesakit juga dirawat dengan ubat demam dan antibiotik topikal. Lesi tersebut sembuh sepenuhnya tanpa sebarang parut dalam
tempoh 14 hari. Sebagai pengamal pergigian, kita harus
mempertimbangkan infeksi bakteria sebagai salah satu diagnosis pembezaan bagi
lesi-lesi bula yang melibatkan kawasan peri-oral supaya rawatan yang sewajarnya
dapat diberikan.
Kata kunci: Bula peri-oral; infeksi kulit; lesi bakteria
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