Malaysiana 42(3)(2013): 423–428
Distress of First Year Medical Students Who Underwent Two Different Admission
Processes During a Stressful Period
(Distres Psikologi dalam Kalangan Pelajar Perubatan Tahun Pertama
yang Melalui
Dua Proses Kemasukan Berbeza Semasa Tempoh yang Tertekan)
Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff* & Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim
Department of Medical Education, School of Medical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia
16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
Abdul Aziz Baba & Shaiful Bahari Ismail
Dean Office, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
Hatta Sidi
Department of Psychiatry Department, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia Medical Centre
56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ab Rahman Esa
Public Health, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti
Sultan Zainal Abidin
20400 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
Received: 11 July 2012/Accepted: 3 Ogos 2012
The study of medicine is often regarded by
students as a stressful environment
particularly during examination period. Studies found a high percentage of
medical students experience significant psychological distress during the
examination period. This study compared percentage and level of psychological
distress between two batches of first year medical students who underwent
different selection admission processes during a stressful examination period.
A comparative cross-sectional study was done on two batches of first year
medical students; one group selected based on academic merit (2008/2009 batch)
and the other selected based on academic merit, psychometric tests and
interview (2009/2010 batch). The psychological distress was measured by the
12-item general health questionnaire (GHQ-12). The data were collected right after
the final examinations. A total of 99 (46.05%) medical students of the
2008/2009 batch and 196 (100%) medical students of the 2009/2010 batch
participated. The percentage of medical students who had psychological distress
of the 2008/2009 and the 2009/2010 batches were 58.59% and 42.3%, respectively.
The mean GHQ-12
score and percentage of psychological distress were significantly different
between the two batches (p<
0.01). The older batch had 2.01 times higher risk for developing psychological
distress compared with the newer batch (p< 0.01). The newer batch of
medical students had better psychological health status and was less likely to
develop psychological distress during the stressful period compared with older
Keyword: Medical student; medicine; mental health; psychological
health; student admission
Pengajian perubatan sering dianggap oleh pelajar
sebagai persekitaran yang tertekan terutamanya semasa tempoh peperiksaan. Kajian mendapati peratusan
yang tinggi dalam kalangan pelajar-pelajar perubatan mengalami tekanan
psikologi yang ketara sepanjang tempoh peperiksaan. Kajian ini
membandingkan peratusan dan tahap tekanan psikologi antara dua kumpulan pelajar
tahun pertama perubatan yang menjalani proses pemilihan kemasukan yang berbeza
sepanjang tempoh peperiksaan yang sukar. Satu kajian perbandingan keratan
rentas telah dilakukan ke atas dua kumpulan pelajar tahun pertama perubatan; satu kumpulan dipilih berdasarkan merit akademik (kumpulan
2008/2009) dan yang lain dipilih berdasarkan merit akademik, ujian psikometrik
dan temu duga (kumpulan 2009/2010). Tekanan psikologi telah diukur menggunakan
soal selidik kesihatan am 12-item (GHQ-12). Data telah
dikumpulkan sejurus selepas peperiksaan akhir. Sebanyak 99 (46.05%)
pelajar perubatan bagi kumpulan 2008/2009 dan 196 (100%) pelajar perubatan bagi
kumpulan 2009/2010 telah mengambil bahagian. Peratusan pelajar perubatan
mempunyai tekanan psikologi bagi kumpulan 2008/2009 dan 2009/2010 adalah
masing-masing 58.59% dan 42.3%. Purata skor GHQ-12 dan peratusan
tekanan psikologi adalah jauh berbeza antara kedua-dua kumpulan (p<0.01). Kumpulan
terdahulu mempunyai 2.01 kali lebih tinggi risiko untuk mengalami tekanan
psikologi berbanding dengan kumpulan baru (p<0.01). Pelajar-pelajar perubatan daripada kumpulan baru mempunyai
status kesihatan psikologi yang lebih baik dan adalah kurang berkemungkinan
untuk mengalami tekanan psikologi dalam keadaan tertekan berbanding dengan
kumpulan terdahulu.
Kata kunci: Kemasukan pelajar; kesihatan mental;
kesihatan psikologi; pelajar perubatan; perubatan
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