Malaysiana 42(5)(2013): 553–560
Groundwater Recharge Using Empirical Method: A Case Study
in the Tropical
(Menganggarkan Aliran Masuk Air Bawah Tanah Menggunakan Kaedah
Kajian Kes di Zon Tropika)
Seyed Reza Saghravani & Ismail Yusoff*
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sa’ari Mustapha
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Seyed Fazlollah Saghravani
Department of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of
Shahrood, Semnan Province, Iran
Received: 27 February 2012 / Accepted: 20 October 2012
Estimation and forecast of groundwater recharge and capacity of
aquifer are essential issues in water resources investigation. In the current
research, groundwater recharge, recharge coefficient and effective rainfall
were determined through a case study using empirical methods applicable to the
tropical zones. The related climatological data between January 2000 and
December 2010 were collected in Selangor, Malaysia. The results showed that
groundwater recharge was 326.39 mm per year, effective precipitation was
1807.97 mm per year and recharge coefficient was 18% for the study area. In
summary, the precipitation converted to recharge, surface runoff and
evapotranspiration are 12, 32 and 56% of rainfall, respectively. Correlation
between climatic parameters and groundwater recharge showed positive and
negative relationships. The highest correlation was found between precipitation
and recharge. Linear multiple regressions between recharge and measured
climatologic data proved significant relationship between recharge and rainfall
and wind speed. It was also proven that the proposed model provided an accurate
estimation for similar projects.
Keywords: Effective rainfall; groundwater recharge; recharge
coefficient; tropical zone
Anggaran dan unjuran aliran masuk air bawah
tanah dan keupayaan akuifer adalah isu-isu penting dalam penyiasatan sumber
air. Dalam penyelidikan ini,
aliran masuk air bawah tanah, pekali aliran masuk dan keberkesanan hujan telah
ditentukan melalui kajian kes yang menggunakan kaedah empirikal berkenaan zon
tropika. Data yang berkaitan dengan klimatologi antara Januari 2000 dan
Disember 2010 telah dikumpulkan di Selangor. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa
aliran masuk air bawah tanah adalah 326.39 mm setahun, pemendakan berkesan
adalah 1807.97 mm per tahun dan pekali aliran masuk adalah 18% bagi kawasan kajian.
Secara ringkasnya, pemendakan ditukar kepada tenaga, air larian permukaan dan
penyejatpeluhan masing-masing 12, 32 dan 56% daripada hujan. Korelasi
antara parameter iklim dan aliran masuk air bawah tanah menunjukkan hubungan
positif dan negatif. Korelasi yang tertinggi didapati
antara pemendakan dan aliran masuk. Regresi linear
berganda antara aliran masuk dan diukur daripada data iklim membuktikan
hubungan yang signifikan antara aliran masuk dan hujan serta kelajuan angin. Ia juga membuktikan bahawa model yang dicadangkan memberi anggaran yang tepat
bagi projek-projek yang sama.
Keywords: Aliran masuk air bawah tanah; hujan
berkesan; pekali aliran masuk; zon tropika
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