Sains Malaysiana 42(5)(2013): 673 –683
A Non-parametric Survival Estimate After Elimination
of a Cause of Failure
(Penganggaran Kemandirian Tak-Berparameter Selepas Penghapusan
Punca Risiko)
Fang Yen Yen* & Suraiya Kassim
of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
USM, Penang, Malaysia
9 May 2012/Accepted: 17 September 2012
In competing risks analysis, the primary interest of researchers
is the estimation of the net survival probability (NSP) if a cause of
failure could be eliminated from a population. The Kaplan-Meier product-limit
estimator under the assumption that the eliminated risk is non-informative to
the other remaining risks, has been widely used in the
estimation of the NSP. The assumption implies that the hazard of the remaining risks before and after the elimination are equal and it could be biased. This paper addressed this possible bias by
proposing a non-parametric multistate approach that accounts for an informative
eliminated risk in the estimation procedure, whereby the hazard probabilities
of the remaining risks before and after the elimination of a risk are not
assumed to be equal. When a non-informative eliminated risk was assumed, it was
shown that the proposed multistate estimator reduces to the Kaplan-Meier
estimator. For illustration purposes, the proposed procedure was implemented on
a published dataset and the change in hazard after elimination of a cause is
investigated. Comparing the results to those obtained from using the
Kaplan-Meier method, it was found that in the presence of (both constant and
non-constant) informative eliminated risk, the proposed multistate approach was
more sensitive and flexible.
Keywords: Competing risks; Kaplan-Meier estimator; latent-failure-time
approach; multistate approach; net survival probability
Dalam analisis risiko bersaing, minat utama penyelidik ialah
penganggaran kebarangkalian kemandirian bersih (NSP) sekiranya punca
risiko boleh dihapuskan daripada satu populasi. Penganggar
had-hasil darab Kaplan-Meier, dengan andaian bahawa punca risiko yang
dihapuskan adalah tidak bermaklumat kepada punca risiko yang lain, telah
digunakan secara meluas dalam penganggaran NSP. Andaian ini
membawa implikasi bahawa kadaran bahaya baki risiko sebelum dan selepas
penghapusan adalah sama dan ia mungkin tak saksama.
Kertas ini menangani kemungkinan ketaksamaan ini dengan mencadangkan suatu
pendekatan multi-keadaan tak-berparameter yang mengambil kira risiko dihapus
yang bermaklumat dalam prosedur penganggaran, dengan kebarangkalian bahaya bagi
risiko lain sebelum dan selepas penghapusan suatu risiko tidak diandaikan sama. Apabila risiko dihapus diandaikan tak bermaklumat,
ditunjukkan bahawa penganggar multi-keadaan yang dicadangkan menurun kepada
penganggar Kaplan-Meier. Bagi tujuan illustrasi, prosedur yang dicadangkan
dilaksanakan pada satu set data yang telah diterbitkan dan perubahan kadar bahaya selepas penghapusan suatu risiko disiasat.
Membandingkan keputusan yang diperoleh dengan keputusan daripada kaedah
Kaplan-Meier, didapati bahawa dengan kehadiran risiko dihapus yang bermaklumat
(malar dan bukan malar), pendekatan multi-keadaan yang dicadangkan adalah lebih
peka dan lebih lentur.
Kata kunci: Kebarangkalian kemandirian bersih; pendekatan
masa-risiko-terpendam; pendekatan multi-keadaan; penganggar Kaplan-Meier;
risiko bersaing
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