Sains Malaysiana 43(1)(2014):
Decreased Sensitivity of Tree Growth to Temperature in
Southeast China after the 1976/'77 Regime Shift in Pacific
(Penurunan Kepekaan Pertumbuhan Pokok terhadap Suhu di China Tenggara
selepas Peralihan Rejim 1976/'77 dalam Iklim Pasifik)
Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute
of Botany,
Academy of Sciences, 20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing, 100093 China
for Ecological Research, Northeast Forestry University, 26 Hexing
Road, Harbin 150040 China
Department of Geography, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, USA
Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for
Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100085, China
6 December 2012/Accepted: 20 March 2013
The climatic regime shift that occurred in the North Pacific Basin
during 1976/'77 have been linked to a decadal mode of climate variability,
which long-term behavior could be reconstructed from tree-ring records.
We analyzed radial growth patterns of five subtropical tree species
in Southeast China in relation to air and sea surface temperature,
the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indices 25 years before and after 1977.
In 1953-1977, tree-ring chronologies showed higher correlations
with air temperature than in 1978-2002, so that their time-series
graphs showed divergence after 1977. The first principal component
of the five tree-ring chronologies was significantly correlated
with ENSO and PDO indices in 1978-2002,
while it had no significant correlations with these variables during
1953-1977. Correlation maps of PC1, PDO and ENSO indices with surface air temperature showed
different patterns before and after 1977. Based on these comparisons,
altered sensitivity of tree growth to temperature in recent decades
could depend on basin-wide climatic shift in the North Pacific,
which either changed the effects of local climatic factors on tree
growth or modified the relationships between local and regional
Keywords: ENSO; PDO; temperature reconstruction; tree ring; 1976/77
regime shift
Peralihan rejim iklim yang berlaku di Lembangan Pasifik Utara semasa
1976/'77 telah dihubung kait dengan mod dekad kepelbagaian iklim,
dengan kelakuan jangka masa panjangnya dapat dibina semula daripada
rekod cecincin pokok. Kami menganalisis corak pertumbuhan cecincin
spesies pokok subtropika di China Tenggara terhadap suhu udara dan
permukaan laut, indeks Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) dan indeks El Niño-Southern Oscillation
selama 25 tahun sebelum dan selepas 1977. Pada 1953-1977, kronologi
cecincin pokok menunjukkan korelasi tinggi terhadap suhu udara berbanding
tempoh 1978-2002, oleh itu graf masa-siri menunjukkan percapahan
selepas 1977. Prinsip komponen pertama bagi lima kronologi cecincin
pokok didapati berkorelasi secara signifikan terhadap indeks ENSO dan indeks PDO pada 1978-2002. Namun,
ia tidak menunjukkan korelasi secara signifikan terhadap pemboleh
ubah ini bagi tempoh 1953-1977. Peta korelasi bagi indeks PC1, PDO dan ENSO terhadap suhu permukaan
udara menunjukkan corak yang berlainan sebelum dan selepas 1997.
Berdasarkan perbandingan ini, sensitiviti terubah pertumbuhan pokok
terhadap suhu dalam dekad kebelakangan ini mungkin bergantung kepada
peralihan iklim keseluruhan lembangan di Pasifik Utara dan ia telah
mengubah kesan faktor iklim tempatan terhadap pertumbuhan pokok
atau mengubahsuai hubungan antara iklim tempatan dan iklim serantau.
Kata kunci: Cecincin pokok; ENSO;
PDO; pembinaan semula suhu; peralihan rejim 1976/77
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