Sains Malaysiana 43(2)(2014): 289–293
(SOG) Based Insulator of Stack Coupled Microcoils for MEMS Sensors and Actuators Application
(Penebat Gegelung Mikro
Gandingan Tertimbun Berasaskan Spin-atas-Kaca (SOG)
untuk Aplikasi Pengesan dan Penggerak MEMS)
1Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
2Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Received: 7 January 2013/Accepted: 22 July 2013
A comprehensive study on the spin-on-glass (SOG) based thin film
insulating layer is presented. The SOG layer has been fabricated using simple MEMS technology
which can play an important role as insulating layer of stack coupled
microcoils. The fabrication process utilizes a simple, cost effective process
technique as well as CMOS compatible resulting to a reproducible
and good controlled process. It was observed that the spin speed and material
preparation prior to the process affect to the thickness and surface quality of
the layer. Through the annealing process at temperature 425oC in N2 atmospheric for 1 h, a 750 nm thin SOG layer
with the surface roughness or the uniformity of about 1.5% can be achieved.
Furthermore, the basic characteristics of the spiral coils, including the
coupling characteristics and its parasitic capacitance were discussed in wide range
of operating frequency. The results from this investigation showed a good
prospect for the development of fully integrated planar magnetic field coupler
and generator for sensing and actuating purposes.
Keywords: Insulating layer; MEMS fabrication; sensor and actuator;
spin-on-glass; stack coupled microcoils
Satu kajian menyeluruh mengenai lapisan penebat filem nipis
berasaskan spin-atas-kaca (SOG) dibentangkan. Lapisan SOG telah difabrikasi
menggunakan teknologi mudah MEMS yang memainkan peranan penting sebagai
lapisan penebat gegelung mikro gandingan tertimbun. Proses fabrikasi tersebut
menggunakan teknik mudah, kos efektif serta serasi dengan CMOS dan menghasilkan
proses pengulangan dan kawalan yang baik. Dapat diperhatikan bahawa kelajuan
putaran dan penyediaan bahan sebelum proses memberi kesan kepada ketebalan dan
kualiti permukaan lapisan. Melalui proses penyepuhlindapan pada suhu 425oC
dalam atmosfera N2 selama 1 jam, lapisan SOG nipis setebal 750 nm
dengan kekasaran permukaan atau keseragaman yang dicapai adalah sekitar 1.5%.
Seterusnya, ciri-ciri asas gegelung lingkaran, termasuk ciri-ciri gandingan dan
kapasitan parasitik juga turut dibincangkan dalam berbagai julat frekuensi
operasi. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan prospek yang baik bagi pembangunan
pengganding medan magnet dan penjana planar bersepadu untuk tujuan pengesanan
dan pergerakan.
Kata kunci: Fabrikasi MEMS;
gegelung mikro gandingan tertimbun; lapisan penebat; pengesan dan penggerak;
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