Sains Malaysiana 44(12)(2015): 1729–1738
A Study on Development of Automation Diagnosis of Liquid Based Cytology
(Suatu Kajian Pembangunan Diagnosis
Automasi Sitologi berasaskan Cecair)
1Division of Biomedical Engineering, Chonbuk National
University, 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu
Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk, South Korea
2Department of Healthcare Engineering, Chonbuk National
University, 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu
Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk, South Korea
3Research Center of Healthcare & Welfare Instrument for
the Aged, Chonbuk National University
567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk, South
Received: 2 September 2014/Accepted: 23 June 2015
Cervical cancer afflicts women worldwide. The patients’ mortality
with cancer has been increased by changing to westernized dietary habit and
lifestyle. In order to detect early cervical cancer, a liquid-based cytology (LBC)
was used to examine the exfoliated cells collected from the cervix. This
procedure helps to decrease the mortality rate. However, this test mostly
involves manual examination by the pathologists. This procedure needs to
develop more efficient tool in detecting cervical cancer which rate kept
increasing. As such, this study was designed to develop some methods to
increase the effectiveness of LBC. The diagnosis algorithm
was also established to diagnose the processed cell images via an imaging
process algorithm based on the diagnosis criteria. A cell diagnosis program
based on GUI, combined with the imaging process and the diagnosis
algorithms were developed to automate the test process. The results of this
studies showed that this new program can be used for effective diagnosis of
cervical cancer. Moreover, it was deemed to increase the precision and accuracy
of diagnosis and save patient time.
Keywords: Automation diagnosis; diagnosis algorithm; image
processing algorithm; liquid based cytology (LBC);
uterine cervical cancer
Kanser pangkal rahim menyerang wanita di seluruh dunia. Kematian
pesakit kanser telah meningkat akibat penukaran tabiat pemakanan dan gaya hidup
yang kebaratan. Untuk pengesanan awal barah pangkal rahim, sitologi berasaskan
cecair (LBC) digunakan untuk mengkaji sel-sel yang dikumpul
daripada serviks. Prosedur ini membantu mengurangkan kadar kematian. Walau
bagaimanapun, ujian ini kebanyakannya melibatkan pemeriksaan secara manual oleh
ahli patologi. Prosedur ini perlu membangunkan alat yang lebih cekap untuk
mengesan kanser pangkal rahim kerana kadarnya yang semakin meningkat. Oleh yang
demikian, kajian ini telah direka untuk mencadangkan beberapa kaedah untuk
meningkatkan keberkesanan LBC. Diagnosis algoritma juga
dibangunkan untuk mendiagnosis proses imej sel melalui suatu proses pengimejan
algoritma berdasarkan kriteria diagnosis. Suatu program sel diagnosis
berdasarkan GUI, digabungkan dengan proses pengimejan dan diagnosis
algoritma telah dibangunkan untuk mengautomasikan proses ujian. Keputusan
kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa program baru ini boleh digunakan untuk diagnosis
kanser pangkal rahim dengan berkesan. Selain itu, ia dilihat boleh meningkatkan
kepersisan dan ketepatan diagnosis dan menjimatkan masa pesakit.
Kata kunci: Algoritma
pemprosesan imej; diagnosis algoritma; diagnosis automasi; kanser pangkal
rahim; sitologi berasaskan cecair (LBC)
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