Sains Malaysiana 44(1)(2015): 25–30
Response of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Towards the Allelopathy of
(Respons Varieti Kacang Kuda (Cicer arietinum L.) kepada Alelopati
Rumpai yang Berbeza)
Department of Weed Science, The University of Agriculture,
Peshawar, Pakistan
Received: 29 October 2013/Accepted: 12 June 2014
In a laboratory trial three chickpea varieties viz, Karak-I, Karak-III
and Shenghar were tested against the phytotoxicity of five weed
species: Parthenium hysterophorus L., Phragmites australis (Cav.)
Trin., Datura alba L.,
Cyperus rotundus L. and Convolvulus arvensis January 2013. The weed extracts were prepared at
the rate of 120 g/L (w/v) after shade dry. The results indicated
highly significant inhibitory effect of all the tested weed species
on the chickpea varieties. The results also showed that the chickpea
variety Karak-III was more susceptible to the phytotoxcity of the
tested weed extracts. Among the extract, C. arvensis proved
much toxic in term of inhibition of germination by giving only 43.33%
germination in comparison with control where 97.50% germination
was recorded. On the other hand, the effect of P. australis
extract was found a little stimulator by speeding the seed germination
in all varieties and giving a low (2.21) mean germination time (MGT)
value. From the current results it can be concluded that the infestation
of C. arvensis can pollute the soil by accumulating toxic
chemicals that leads to the germination failure and growth suppression
in chickpea. Therefore, the prevention and removal of C. arvensis
in the chickpea growing areas could be recommended. In addition,
P. australis must be tested against chickpea weeds (chickpea
varieties withstand against its phytotoxcity), so that it can be
popularized as bioherbicide in chickpea if it gave promising results
in controlling chickpea weeds.
Keywords: Allelopathy; chickpea; germination; Parthenium; weeds
Tiga varieti kacang kuda iaitu, Karak-I, Karak-III dan Shenghar telah
diuji dalam makmal rintis terhadap fitoketoksikan lima spesies rumpai:
Parthenium hysterophorus L., Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin., Datura alba L., Cyperus rotundus L. dan Convolvulus arvensis L. pada bulan Januari 2013. Ekstrak rumpai
telah disediakan pada kadar 120 g/L (w/v) selepas diteduh kering.
Keputusan menunjukkan kesan rencat yang ketara daripada semua spesies
rumpai yang diuji dengan pelbagai jenis kacang kuda. Keputusan juga
menunjukkan bahawa kacang kuda jenis Karak-III adalah lebih terdedah
kepada fitoketoksikan ekstrak rumpai yang diuji. Antara ekstrak,
C. arvensis terbukti mempunyai banyak toksik daripada
segi perencatan percambahan dengan memberi 43.33% percambahan berbanding
kawalan dengan 97.50% percambahan direkod. Sebaliknya, kesan ekstrak
P. australis didapati memberi sedikit perangsang dengan mempercepatkan
percambahan biji benih dalam semua varieti dan memberi nilai masa
(MGT) (2.21) percambahan min yang rendah. Daripada keputusan
ini, dapat disimpulkan bahawa serangan daripada C. arvensis
boleh mencemarkan tanah dengan toksik kimia terkumpul yang membawa
kepada kegagalan percambahan dan penindasan pertumbuhan kacang kuda.
Oleh itu, pencegahan dan penghapusan C. arvensis di kawasan
penanaman kacang kuda boleh disyorkan. Disamping itu, P. australis
mesti diuji terhadap rumpai kacang kuda (varieti kacang kuda
menentang fitoketoksikannya), supaya ia boleh dipopularkan sebagai
racun herba biologi kacang kuda jika ia memberikan keputusan yang
memberangsangkan dalam kawalan rumpai kacang kuda.
Kata kunci: Alelopati; kacang kuda; percambahan; Parthenium; rumpai
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