Sains Malaysiana 44(3)(2015): 387–397


Monthly Variability of Chlorophyll-α Concentration in Persian Gulf Using Remote Sensing Techniques

(Kevariabelan Bulanan Kepekatan Klorofil-α di Teluk Parsi Menggunakan Teknik Penderiaan Jarak Jauh)






1Young Researchers and Elite Club, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


2Young Researchers and Elite Club, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran


3Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, P.O. Box: 1144, Sowmehsara, Iran


4Faculty of Science, Hormozgan University, P.O. Box: 3995, Bandar Abbas, Iran


Received: 13 August 2014/Accepted: 19 October 2014



During the last two decades, large-scale high biomass algal blooms of the dinoflagellate Cochlodinium have occurred frequently. Prior to 1990, blooms had been primarily reported in Southeast Asia. Since then, time blooms have expanded across Asia, Europe and North American. A multi-spectral classification and quantification technique is developed for estimating chlorophyll-α concentrations. In this study, we explored the use of Sea-viewing Wide Field of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite data in studying the spatio-temporal changes in chlorophyll-α concentration in Persian Gulf. In addition, the present study focuses on the temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH and nutrient concentrations during the red tide phenomenon. The resultant chlorophyll-α concentration images derived from SeaWiFS satellite data give an indication of the monthly spatial variation in chlorophyll-α concentration from 2008 to 2009. Variability of chlorophyll-α plot from September 2008 to May 2009 in Persian Gulf showed that September 2008 had the lowest value (1.57±0.14 mg m-3) than other years except May 2009, then tended to increase up to January 2009 (Highest value: 7.47±1.67mg m-3), then a slow decrease up to May 2009. The result showed all water physicochemical parameters measurement in-situ (DO and pH) and ex-situ (NO3 and PO4), were varied among the different months. The highest and lowest values of these parameters were recorded in September 2008 and May 2009, respectively. After occurrence of the red tide, nutrient concentration (NO3 and PO4), dissolved oxygen and pH were reduce compared to before this phenomenon. Compare mean between various months' showed significant differences for temperature records among the months of study (p≤0.05). Lowest and highest temperature recorded were in February 2009 and September 2008, respectively, but no significant differences were found in salinity (p≥0.05). This study showed that SeaWiFS satellite data provide useful information on the spatio-temporal variations in Persian Gulf, which is useful in establishing general trends that are more difficult to determine through routine ground measurements.


Keywords: Bloom; chlorophyll-α; fish mortality; Persian Gulf; SeaWiFS



Sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu, ledakan alga biojisim berskala dinoflagellate Cochlodinium telah berlaku dengan kerap. Sebelum tahun 1990, ledakan selalunya dilaporkan di Asia Tenggara. Sejak itu, masa ledakan telah merebak ke seluruh Asia, Eropah dan Amerika utara. Pengelasan pelbagai tatacara dan teknik mengkuantifikasi dibangunkan untuk menganggar kepekatan klorofil-α. Dalam kajian ini, kami mengkaji penggunaan sensor pandangan laut bidang luas pandangan (SeaWiFS) data satelit dalam mengkaji perubahan spatio-temporal dalam kepekatan klorofil-α di Teluk Parsi. Di samping itu, kajian ini tertumpu kepada suhu, oksigen terlarut, kemasinan, kepekatan pH dan nutrien semasa fenomena pasang-surut merah. Kepekatan klorofil-α imej terhasil yang diperoleh daripada SeaWiFS data satelit memberi petunjuk variasi bulanan reruang dalam kepekatan klorofil-α dari 2008 ke 2009. Kebolehubahan plot klorofil-α dari September 2008 hingga Mei 2009 di Teluk Parsi menunjukkan bulan September 2008 mempunyai nilai terendah (1.57±0.14 mg m-3) berbanding tahun lain kecuali Mei 2009 yang kemudian terus meningkat sehingga Januari 2009 (nilai tertinggi 7.47±1.67 mg m-3), selepas itu penurunan perlahan sehingga ke Mei 2009. Hasil kajian menunjukkan semua pengukuran parameter fizikokimia air in-situ (DO dan pH) dan ex-situ (NO3 dan PO4) adalah berbeza-beza antara bulan. Nilai parameter tertinggi dan terendah ini direkodkan masing-masing pada bulan September 2008 dan Mei 2009. Selepas kejadian pasang-surut merah, nutrien kepekatan (NO3 dan PO4), oksigen terlarut dan pH berkurangan berbanding sebelum fenomena ini. Min bandingan antara bulan menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan untuk rekod suhu antara bulan kajian (p≤0.05). Suhu terendah dan tertinggi masing-masing direkod pada Februari 2009 dan September 2008, tetapi tiada perbezaan yang bererti untuk kemasinan (p≥0.05). Kajian ini menunjukkan data satelit SeaWiFS memberikan maklumat berguna tentang variasi spatio-temporal di Teluk Parsi dalam mewujudkan trend umum yang lebih sukar untuk ditentukan melalui pengukuran tanah rutin.


Kata kunci: Kematian ikan; klorofil-α; ledakan; SeaWiFS; Teluk Parsi



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