Sains Malaysiana 44(4)(2015):
of the Phytoremediation Potential of Two Medicinal Plants
(Penilaian Potensi Fitoremediasi bagi Dua Tumbuhan Ubatan)
of Biosciences and Health Sciences, Faculty of Biosciences and Medical
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310
Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
2Department of
Chemical Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
31900 Kampar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
3Department of
Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, Faculty of Biosciences and Medical
Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul
4Faculty of
Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Received: 25 June 2014/Accepted: 7 November 2014
Heavy metal pollution leads to human health problems and
represents a constant threat to the environment. Pollutant clean-up using
conventional methods are often hampered by high cost and ineffective pollutant
removal. Phytoremediation technique is a preferable alternative due to its
minimal side effects to the environment in addition to reasonable treatment
cost. In this study, we investigated the potential of Centella asiatica and Orthosiphon
stamineus as phytoremediation agents. Both species were grown in
contaminated soil obtained from industrial land. Plant growth response and
their ability to accumulate and translocate zinc, copper and lead were
assessed. From this study, root growth of C. asiatica was compromised
when grown in contaminated soil. Copper was highly accumulated in C.
asiatica roots while the leaves were more concentrated with zinc and lead.
Conversely, all three tested metals were highly detected in the roots of O.
stamineus, although the root elongation was not adversely affected. Low amount
of metals in the stems of both species permits longer stem length. Correlation
study showed that the accumulation of zinc, copper and lead in plant tissues
varies depending on plant species and the type of metals. Based on the
bioaccumulation, translocation and enrichment factor, our study showed that C.
asiatica was tolerant towards zinc, copper and lead; hence suitable for
phytoextraction. By contrast, O. stamineus acted as a moderate
accumulator of the tested metal elements.
Keywords: Centella
asiatica; heavy metals; Orthosiphon stamineus; phytoremediation
Pencemaran logam berat membawa kepada masalah kesihatan manusia
dan menjadi ancaman berterusan kepada alam sekitar. Pembersihan menggunakan
kaedah konvensional sering terjejas oleh kos yang tinggi sedangkan penyingkiran
pencemar tidak efektif. Sebagai alternatif, teknik fitoremediasi menjadi
pilihan utama disebabkan oleh kesan sampingan minimum terhadap alam sekitar
dengan kos rawatan yang munasabah. Dalam kajian ini, kami mengkaji potensi Centella asiatica dan Orthosiphon
stamineus sebagai agen fitoremediasi. Kedua-dua spesies ditumbuhkan
menggunakan tanah tercemar dari kawasan perindustrian. Tindak balas
pertumbuhan, kebolehan mengumpul dan mentranslokasi zink, kuprum dan plumbum
dinilai. Daripada kajian ini, pertumbuhan akar C. asiatica dikompromi
apabila tumbuh pada tanah tercemar. Kuprum terkumpul pada akar C. asiatica manakala
daunnya mengandungi lebih banyak zink dan plumbum. Sebaliknya, semua logam yang
dikaji dikesan dengan sangat tinggi di dalam akar O. stamineus, walaupun
pertumbuhan akar tidak terjejas. Jumlah logam yang rendah pada batang kedua-dua
spesies membolehkan ia tumbuh lebih panjang. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan
pengumpulan zink, kuprum dan plumbum dalam tisu tumbuhan adalah berbeza
mengikut spesies dan jenis logam. Berdasarkan faktor bio-akumulasi, faktor
translokasi dan faktor pengkayaan, kajian kami menunjukkan bahawa C.
asiatica adalah toleran terhadap zink, kuprum dan plumbum, maka ia sesuai
untuk fito-ekastraksi. Walau bagaimanapun, O. stamineus bertindak
sebagai pengumpul sederhana bagi logam yang dikaji.
Kata kunci: Centella
asiatica; fitoremediasi; logam berat; Orthosiphon stamineus
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