Sains Malaysiana 44(4)(2015):
Life Cycle Inventory of Institutional Medium-scaled
Co-composting of Food Waste and Yard Waste in Tropical Country
(Inventori Kitaran Hidup di Institusi pada Skala Sederhana
Pengkomposan bersama Sisa Makanan dan Sisa Lapangan di Negara Tropika)
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received: 19 September 2013/Accepted: 19 October 2014
The main objective of the present study was to provide a
comprehensive LCI of medium scale composting of food waste and yard waste at
institutional level, based on substance flow analysis (SFA). A secondary
objective was to present the composition and assess the quality of the final
compost product from composting of typical Asian organic waste (food waste and
yard waste). The experiments were designed to represent a batch situation in an
institutional medium size composting scenario with input material of food waste
mixed with grass clippings and dried leaves. Two composting runs were carried
out with the intention to showcase the heterogeneity of organic waste and study
the effect of windrow size on the performance of the process. The input and
output material were sampled and characterized in order to quantify the
substance balance of the process. SFA was performed by means of the mass balance
model STAN 2.5 to compute unknown parameters (gaseous emissions). SFAs
have been performed for C, N, K, P, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb. The composting
windrows were fed with 212.4 and 393 kg, respectively. VS content reduction is
greater in composting pile with larger size (Run 2). The loss of C during
composting was recorded in the range of 0.146-0.166 kg/kg ww. The C losses via
leachate were insignificant (0.02% of the total input C). The total N loss
during the process was 0.005-0.012 kg/kg ww. The leachate generation was
measured as 0.012-0.013 kg/kg ww. The flows of selected heavy metals were
assessed. Heavy metals were of minor significance due to low concentrations in
the inputs (food waste and yard waste). Heavy metals were found to be released
to the atmosphere. However, majority of heavy metals remain in the finished
compost. The C/N reduction during the process was in the range of 10-23%. In
general, the compost composition was considered to be within the ranges
previously reported in literature and thus ready for application in gardening.
The LCI presented in the present study can be used as a starting point
for making environmental assessments of medium-scale co-composting of food
waste and yard waste in tropical environment. No major environmental problems
were identified from the process, except for the emissions of GHGs.
Keywords: Composting; direct emissions; food waste; life cycle
inventory; substance flow analysis; yard waste
Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk memberi LCI yang komprehensif
pada skala sederhana pengkomposan sisa makanan dan sisa lapangan pada peringkat
institusi, berdasarkan pada analisis aliran bahan (SFA). Objektif kedua
adalah untuk membentangkan komposisi dan menilai kualiti produk akhir daripada
pengkomposan sisa organik tipikal Asia (sisa makanan dan sisa lapangan).
Eksperimen direka untuk mewakili situasi kumpulan di institusi dengan senario
pengkomposan saiz sederhana dengan input bahan sisa makanan yang bercampur
dengan keratan rumput dan daun kering. Dua pusingan pengkomposan telah
dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk menunjukkan keheterogenan sisa organik dan
mengkaji kesan saiz timbunan ke atas prestasi proses. Bahan input dan output
yang telah disampel dan dicirikan untuk menentukan baki bahan proses. SFA telah
dijalankan melalui imbangan jisim model STAN 2.5 untuk mengira parameter yang tidak
diketahui (pelepasan gas). SFAs telah dijalankan bagi C, N, K, P, Cd, Cr, Cu,
Ni dan Pb. Timbunan pengkomposan masing-masing diberikan 212.4 dan 393 kg.
Pengurangan kandungan VS adalah lebih besar dalam timbunan
pengkomposan dengan saiz yang lebih besar (Pusingan 2). Kehilangan C semasa pengkomposan
direkod dalam julat antara 0.146 dan 0.166 kg/kg ww. Kehilangan C melalui larut
lesap adalah tidak ketara (0.02% daripada jumlah input C). Jumlah kehilangan N
semasa proses adalah 0.005-0.012 kg/kg ww. Penghasilan larut lesap adalah
sebanyak 0.012-0.013 kg/kg ww. Aliran logam berat terpilih turut dinilai. Logam
berat tidak ketara disebabkan kepekatan yang rendah dalam input (sisa makanan
dan sisa lapangan). Logam berat dilepaskan ke atmosfera. Walau bagaimanapun,
kebanyakan logam berat kekal dalam hasil pengkomposan. Pengurangan C/N semasa
proses adalah dalam lingkungan 10-23%. Secara umum, komposisi pengkomposan
dianggap berada dalam julat seperti yang dilaporkan dalam kajian sebelum ini
dan sekali gus bersedia untuk digunakan dalam berkebun. LCI yang dikemukakan
dalam kajian ini boleh digunakan sebagai titik permulaan untuk menjadikan
penilaian alam sekitar pada skala sederhana pengkomposan bersama sisa makanan
dan sisa lapangan dalam persekitaran tropika. Tiada masalah alam sekitar yang
utama dikenal pasti daripada proses tersebut, kecuali pelepasan GHG.
Kata kunci: Analisis aliran bahan; inventori
kitaran hidup; pelepasan langsung; pengkomposan; sisa lapangan; sisa makanan
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