Sains Malaysiana 44(5)(2015): 693–699


Comparative Effect of Water Extract of Parthenium hysterophorus, Datura alba, Phragmites australis and Oryza sativa on Weeds and Wheat

(Kesan Perbandingan Ektrak Air Parthenium hysterophorus, Datura alba, Phragmites australis dan Oryza sativa ke atas Rumpai dan Gandum)



Department of Weed Science, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, 25130 Pakistan


Received: 24 October 2014/Accepted: 12 January 2015




Laboratory and pot experiments were conducted at the Department of Weed Science, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan during fall 2011 and repeated in 2012. Allelopathic plants were used against wheat and associated weeds. Allelopathic plants showed significant activity against three selected species - Triticum aestivum, Avena fatua and Rumex crispus. Aqueous extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus and Datura alba showed significant effect against weeds of Triticum aestivum although aqueous extract of Phragmites australis possessed moderate activity. It was noted that aqueous extract of Oryza sativa and control were comparable for all parameters studied. Aqueous extract of P. hysterophorus and D. alba decreased seed germination, shoot length, fresh and dry biomass as compared to the rest of the treatments. The degree of toxicity of different treatments can be placed in the following order of inhibition: P. hysterophorus > D. alba > P. australis > O. sativa control. The present studies showed that the plants used contain water soluble allelochemicals that retard or inhibit the germination, growth and biomass of other species. These experiments suggests that P. hysterophorus, D. alba and P. australis extracts may have negative effect on major weeds like A. fatua and R. crispus. Thus there is a possibility of using these plant extracts for weed management. However, more extensive studies is required to identify the allelopathins responsible for inhibitory effects on seed germination and plant growth.


Keywords: Allelopathy; phytotoxicity; weeds; wheat



Uji kaji makmal dan periuk telah dijalankan di Jabatan Sains Rumpai, Universiti Pertanian Peshawar, Pakistan semasa 2011 dan diulang semula pada 2012. Tumbuhan alelopati telah digunakan terhadap gandum dan rumpai yang berkaitan. Tumbuhan alelopati menunjukkan aktiviti bererti terhadap tiga spesies yang terpilih - Triticum aestivum, Avena fatua dan Rumex crispus. Ekstrak berair Parthenium hysterophorus dan Datura alba menunjukkan kesan bererti terhadap rumpai Triticum aestivum walaupun ekstrak berair Phragmites australis mempunyai aktiviti sederhana. Turut diperhatikan bahawa ekstrak berair Oryza sativa dan kawalan adalah setanding untuk semua parameter yang dikaji. Ekstrak berair P. hysterophorus dan D. alba mengurangkan percambahan benih, panjang pucuk, segar dan biojisim kering berbanding rawatan lain. Tahap ketoksikan rawatan berbeza boleh diletakkan dalam order perencatan berikut: P. hysterophorus > D. alba > P. australis > O. sativa kawalan. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa tumbuhan yang digunakan mengandungi alelokimia larut air yang membantut atau merencat percambahan, perkembangan dan biojisim spesies lain. Uji kaji ini menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak P. hysterophorus, D. alba dan P. australis mungkin mempunyai kesan negatif ke atas rumpai utama seperti A. fatua dan R. crispus. Oleh itu terdapat kemungkinan menggunakan ekstrak tumbuhan ini untuk pengurusan rumpai. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian menyeluruh diperlukan untuk mengenal pasti alelopati yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kesan perencatan ke atas percambahan benih dan pertumbuhan tumbuhan.


Kata kunci: Aleopati; fitotoksisiti; gandum; rumpai


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