Sains Malaysiana 44(5)(2015):
Determination of Fano
Factor and Pre-amplifier Noise from the Measurement of Energy Resolution of a
HPGe Detector
(Penentuan Faktor Fano dan Hingar Pra-penguat melalui Pengukuran Resolusi Tenaga Pengesan HPGe)
of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
11 December 2014/Accepted: 28 December 2014
A HPGe detector and γ-ray
multinuclide standard solution were
used to get several data pairs of photon energy E and
detector's energy resolution FWHM. A series of graph of
FWHM2 versus
E was plotted to determine the detector's Fano
factor and pre-amplifier noise, which yielded the mean values
of 0.123±0.003 and (7.448±0.011)
× 10−1 keV,
respectively. The Fano factor value
agrees within 95% confident interval with the mostly quoted value
of 0.13 for semiconductor detectors. The obtained preamplifier
noise is in agreement with typical manufacturer's specification.
Keywords: Fano factor; FWHM; gamma-ray spectrometry; pre-amplifier noise
Satu pengesan HPGe dan cecair multinuklid piawai sinar-γ telah digunakan bagi mendapatkan beberapa pasangan data tenaga fotonE dan resolusi tenaga pengesanFWHM. Satu siri graf FWHM2 melawan E telah diplotkan bagi menentukan nilai faktor Fano dan hingar pra-penguat bagi pengesan, yang memperoleh nilai purata masing-masing 0.123±0.003 dan (7.448±0.011) × 10−1 keV. Nilai faktor Fano ini bersetuju (pada sela keyakinan 95%) dengan nilai yang kerap dilaporkan bagi pengesan semikonduktor iaitu 0.13. Nilai hingar pra-penguat yang diperoleh sama dengan spesifikasi pembekal.
Kata kunci: Faktor Fano; FWHM; hingar pra-penguat; spektrometer sinar gama
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