Sains Malaysiana 45(7)(2016): 1013–1018
curcas Leaves Mulch Effect on Seedling Emergence and Growth
of Maize (Zea mays)
(Kesan Mulca
Daun Jatropha curcas ke atas Percambahan Benih dan Pertumbuhan
Jagung (Zea mays)
Department of Botany, University of Science and
Technology Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Received: 21 September 2015/Accepted: 21 January
Allelopathy is a process in which one plant species may usefully
or adversely affect the growth of other plant species through the production of
allelochemicals. During the present investigation, mulch effect of Jatropha curcas leaves was evaluated on seed
germination and seedling growth of maize varieties viz. Pioneer (V1), Azam (V2)
and Jalal (V3). Mulch was applied at 1 and 2 tons/hectare. Phenolic compounds
were detected in Jatropha curcas leaf (131.15 mg gallic acid eq./gm
extract). Mulch applied at 2 tons/hectare significantly reduced seed
germination (%), germination index, relative water content, root width and
seedling dry weight. From the findings of the present investigation, it was
inferred that Jatropha curcas leaves exhibited phytotoxic effects on
maize at high concentrations.
Keywords: Jatropha
curcas; maize; mulch; phenolics
Alelopati adalah suatu proses menggunakan satu spesies pokok untuk
mengawal atau menjejaskan pertumbuhan spesies tumbuhan yang lain
melalui pengeluaran alelokimia. Semasa kajian ini, kesan mulca daun
Jatropha curcas dinilai pada percambahan benih
dan pertumbuhan anak benih varieti jagung viz. Pioneer (V1), Azam
(V2) dan Jalal (V3). Mulca telah digunakan pada
1 dan 2 tan/hektar. Sebatian fenolik dikesan pada daun Jatropha
curcas (131.15 mg ekstrak asid galik eq./gm). Mulca yang digunakan
pada 2 tan/hektar telah mengurangkan
percambahan benih (%), indeks percambahan, kandungan air relatif,
lebar akar dan berat kering anak benih. Daripada keputusan kajian
ini, dapat disimpulkan bahawa daun Jatropha curcas menunjukkan
kesan fitotoksik ke atas jagung pada kepekatan yang tinggi.
Kata kunci: Fenolik; jagung; Jatropha curcas; mulca
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