Sains Malaysiana 45(7)(2016): 1113–1120
of Leishmania mexicana Phosphoglycerate Mutase Identified by Virtual
and Verified by Inhibition Studies
Perencat Fosfogliserat Mutase daripada Leishmania mexicana melalui Saringan
Maya dan Pengesahannya menerusi Kajian Perencatan)
of Biotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic
University Malaysia, 50728 Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Centre for Transitional
and Chemical Biology, Institute of Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry
and Biotechnology, The University of Edinburgh, The King's Buildings,
Edinburgh EH9 3BF, United Kingdom
10 September 2015/Accepted: 11 February 2016
Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase has been proposed as
a therapeutic target for the treatment of trypanosomatid diseases. In this
paper, we report the identification of compounds that could potentially be
developed as selective inhibitors of cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate
mutase from Leishmania mexicana (LmiPGAM).
Virtual screening was used in this search, as well as compounds identified by
high-throughput screening. A ligand-based virtual screen programme, ultra fast
shape recognition with atom types (UFSRAT), was used to screen for
compounds resembling the substrate/product, before a structure-based approach
was applied using AutoDock 4 and AutoDock Vina in a consensus docking scheme.
In this way eight selected compounds were identified. In addition, three
compounds from the Library of Pharmacologically Active Compounds (LOPAC)
were selected from the published results of high-throughput screening of this
library. The inhibitory effects of these compounds were tested at a fixed
concentration of 1 mM. The results showed that seven compounds inhibited LmiPGAM activity and of these, two compounds (one each from
high-throughput and virtual screening) showed substantial inhibition (i.e. 14%
and 49% remaining activity, respectively). Taken together, the findings from
this study indicate that these compounds have potential as novel inhibitors
that specifically target LmiPGAM.
Keywords: Cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase;
glycolysis; Leishmania mexicana;
virtual screening analyses
Fosfogliserat mutase bebas-kofaktor telah dicadangkan sebagai
sasaran terapeutik bagi penyakit yang disebabkan oleh tripanosomatida. Di sini
kami melaporkan pengenalpastian sebatian yang berpotensi untuk dibangunkan
sebagai perencat kepada fosfogliserat mutase bebas-kofaktor daripada Leishmania mexicana (LmiPGAM).
Saringan secara maya telah diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini, selain daripada
beberapa jenis sebatian yang dikenalpasti melalui saringan berprosesan tinggi.
Program saringan maya berasaskan ligan, Ultra Fast Shape Recognition with Atom
Types (UFSRAT), telah digunakan untuk menyaring sebatian yang
menyerupai substrat/produk, sebelum pendekatan berasaskan struktur digunakan
menerusi program AutoDock 4 dan AutoDock Vina di dalam skim simulasi pengikatan
ligan kepada reseptor (docking) yang konsensus. Melalui kaedah ini, lapan sebatian
terpilih telah dikenal pasti. Selain daripada itu, tiga sebatian daripada
Library of Pharmacologically Active Compounds (LOPAC)
yang dikenal pasti melalui kaedah saringan berprosesan tinggi terhadap
perpustakaan ini yang telah diterbitkan turut dipilih untuk analisis lanjutan.
Kesan perencatan kesemua sebatian ini telah diuji pada kepekatan yang
ditetapkan pada 1 mM. Hasil analisis ini telah menunjukkan bahawa tujuh
sebatian merencat aktiviti LmiPGAM, dengan dua sebatian
(masing-masing daripada saringan berprosesan tinggi dan maya) menunjukkan
perencatan yang ketara (14% dan 49% baki aktiviti). Secara keseluruhannya,
hasil daripada kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa sebatian ini berpotensi sebagai
perencat novel yang spesifik kepada LmiPGAM.
Kata kunci: Analisis
saringan maya; fosfogliserat mutase bebas-kofaktor; glikolisis; Leishmania Mexicana
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