Sains Malaysiana 45(9)(2016): 1357–1361
Correlation of Cognitive Impairment with Constipation
and Renal Failure
(Kolerasi Kecelaan Kognitif
dengan Sembelit dan Kegagalan Ginjal)
1Malaysian Research Institute on
Aging (MyAging), Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2Iranian Research Center on Aging,
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
Tehran, Iran
Received: 21 December 2015/Accepted:
19 May 2016
The improvement of health care
support has greatly extended the average life expectancy over the
last 50 years, which has increased the rate of cognitive decline
consequently. The avoidance of risk factors such as toxins, stress
and somatic diseases can be protective against the reduction of
cognitive function in the elderly. This study aimed to determine
the effects of socio-demographic factors, constipation and renal
failure on cognitive status among 2322 samples who were the non-institutionalized
Malaysian elderly. The multiple logistic regression analysis was
applied to estimate the risk of such factors on cognitive decline
in subjects. Approximately, 77.54% of samples experienced cognitive
impairment. The results showed that advanced age (odds ratio (OR)
= 1.03), Malay ethnic (OR = 2.15), constipation (OR
= 3.31) and renal failure (OR= 4.42), significantly increased the
risk of cognitive impairment in subjects (p<0.05). In addition,
education (OR = 0.38) significantly reduced the
risk. However, we concluded that age, Malay ethnic, constipation
and renal failure increased the risk of cognitive impairment in
subjects but education reduced the risk.
Keywords: Cognition; constipation;
dementia; renal failure
Peningkatan sokongan penjagaan
kesihatan telah melanjutkan purata tempoh jangka hayat sejak 50
tahun yang lepas, yang secara tidak langsung telah meningkatkan
kadar kemerosotan kognitif. Mengelakkan faktor risiko seperti toksin,
tekanan dan penyakit berkenaan tubuh badan boleh menjadi pelindung
terhadap pengurangan fungsi kognitif dalam kalangan warga tua. Kajian
ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesan faktor sosio-demografi, sembelit
dan kegagalan buah pinggang ke atas status kognitif dalam 2322 sampel
warga tua yang tidak menghuni rumah warga tua. Analisis regresi
logistik berganda digunakan untuk menganggar faktor risiko pada
kemerosotan kognitif dalam subjek. Lebih kurang 77.54% daripada
sampel mengalami kemerosotan nilai kognitif. Keputusan menunjukkan
bahawa umur lanjut (nisbah kemungkinan [OR] = 1.03), bangsa Melayu (OR
= 2.15), sembelit (OR = 3.31) dan kegagalan buah pinggang
= 4.42), secara bererti meningkatkan risiko kemerosotan
kognitif dalam subjek (p<0.05). Sebagai tambahan, pendidikan (OR =
0.38) dengan ketara mengurangkan risiko. Walau bagaimanapun, kami
membuat kesimpulan bahawa usia, bangsa Melayu, sembelit dan kegagalan
buah pinggang meningkatkan risiko kemerosotan nilai kognitif dalam
subjek tetapi pendidikan mengurangkan risiko.
Kata kunci: Demensia; kegagalan buah pinggang ; kognisi; sembelit
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