Sains Malaysiana 46(10)(2017):
Treatment with Pueraria
mirifica Extract Prevented Muscle
Atrophy and Restored Muscle Strength in Ovariectomized
(Rawatan dengan
Ekstrak Pueraria
mirifica bagi Menghalang Atrofi dan Memulihkan Kekuatan Otot Tikus
of Traditional Thai Medicine, Prince of Songkla
University, Songkhla, 90110, Thailand
of Pharmacology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Songkhla, 90110, Thailand
of Physiology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Songkhla, 90110, Thailand
of Oral Surgery (Anesthesiology section), Faculty of Dentistry,
Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, 90110,
5Department of Anatomy, Faculty of
Science, Prince of Songkla University,
Songkhla, 90110, Thailand
Received: 5 May 2016/Accepted: 28 March 2017
Pueraria mirifica (PM)
is a phytoestrogen-rich plant that was tested to establish if
its phytosteroids could prevent estrogen dependent sarcopenia.
The effect of PM on the estrogen levels, estrous cycle, toxicity, muscle
mass, strength and endurance of extensor digitorum
longus (EDL) and gastrocnemius muscles of ovariectomized
rats was investigated. Adult female Wistar
rats were divided into six groups: Sham-operated (SHAM); ovariectomized
fed with distilled water (PM0); OVX injected
with 40 μg/kg estradiol benzoate
(E40); (4-6) OVX
fed with ethanolic extract
of PM at
doses of 50 (PM50), 500 (PM500) and 1000 (PM1000)
mg/kg for 90 days. After treatment with all three doses of PM,
no toxicity was detected to the hematopoietic system and liver
function whereas the E40 group did show toxic effects. Treatment
with 50 and 500 mg/kg of PM
showed no effect on uterine hypertrophy and caused
no arrest of the estrous cycle whereas treatment with estrogen
and 1000 mg/kg of PM treatment
did. The estrogen level, the cross sectional area of the EDL and
the gastrocnemius muscle fiber strength and endurance were all
significantly reduced in the PM0 group compared to that of the SHAM
group (p<0.05) but were significantly
increased in the E40, PM50, PM500 and PM1000
compared to that of the PM0 group (p<0.05). This indicated
that the estrogenic activity of PM alleviated
muscle atrophy and built up muscle strength and endurance. Thus,
the 50 and 500 mg/kg of PM were suitable for treating estrogen dependent sarcopenia
in ovariectomized rats.
Keywords: Estrogen;
ovariectomy; Pueraria mirifica;
Pueraria mirifica (PM) adalah
tumbuhan kaya fitoestrogen
yang diuji untuk
menentukan jika fitosteroidnya boleh menghalang sarkopenia terbergantung estrogen. Kesan PM pada tahap
estrogen, kitaran estrous, ketoksikan,
jisim otot,
kekuatan dan ketahanan
ekstensor digitorum
longus (EDL)
dan otot
gastrocnemius tikus diovariektomi telah dikaji. Tikus
Wistar betina
dewasa dibahagikan kepada enam kumpulan:
sham-dikawal (SHAM), ovariektomi
diberi air suling
disuntik dengan
40 μg/kg estradiol benzoat
(E40), OVX diberi ekstrak
etanol PM pada
dos 50 (PM50), 500 (PM500) dan
1000 (PM1000) mg/kg selama 90 hari. Selepas rawatan dengan
ketiga-tiga dos PM,
tiada ketoksikan dikesan pada sistem
hematopoietik dan
fungsi hati manakala
kumpulan E40 menunjukkan
kesan toksik. Rawatan dengan 50 dan 500 mg/kg PM tidak memberi kesan pada hipertrofi
rahim dan
tidak menyebabkan gangguan pada kitaran
estrous berbanding rawatan
dengan estrogen dan 1000 mg/kg rawatan PM yang menunjukkan
kesan. Tahap estrogen, luas keratan
rentas EDL dan
kekuatan serta
ketahanan gentian otot gastrocnemius
berkurang secara
signifikan dalam
kumpulan PM0 berbanding
dengan kumpulan
yang meningkat dengan ketara dalam E40, PM50,
dan PM1000 berbanding
dengan kumpulan
(p<0.05). Ini menunjukkan
bahawa aktiviti
estrogenik PM mengurangkan
atrofi otot
dan membina kekuatan
dan ketahanan
otot. Oleh itu, 50 dan 500 mg/kg PM
adalah sesuai
untuk merawat
sarcopenia bergantung estrogen kepada tikus diovariektomi.
Kata kunci: Estrogen; ovariektomi; Pueraria mirifica; sarkopenia
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