Sains Malaysiana 46(8)(2017):
Effectiveness of Lake
Remediation towards Water Quality: Application in Varsity Lake University of
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
Pemulihan Tasik
Terhadap Kualiti Air: Aplikasi di Tasik Varsiti, Universiti Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur)
Engineering Department, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal
Territory, Malaysia
Received: 8
September 2016/Accepted: 1 February
Surface water quality
monitoring is an important tool for enhancing the water body management system.
This study focuses on the water quality of a lake based on rehabilitation work
completed in 2014. This lake suffers from eutrophication and water quality
degradation due to the increase in pollution rates and water source scarcity.
Nine points were selected to represent the water quality status for the study
area. Two river tributaries that pass through the University Malaya (UM)
campus have been considered due of its potential as a water source for the
lake. Field and laboratory analysis were conducted to understand the transport
of water quality parameters. The data variations were analyzed using a
multivariate statistical method to determine the significant differences
between the lake and river. Based on the Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI)
and cluster analysis, the results indicated that the lake and river have
different physico-chemical characteristics and the
lake water has a better quality than the river. Comparison of the concentration
for BOD, TSS, PO43- and
NO3- between
year 2009 and current study proved that the water quality has improved by 99.8%
proving that the lake remediation is effective.
Eutrophication; lake water; physico-chemical;
remediation; water quality
Pemantauan kualiti permukaan
air adalah satu
wadah yang penting untuk memperbaiki sistem pengurusan air. Kajian ini memberi
tumpuan kepada
kualiti air tasik berdasarkan kerja-kerja pemulihan yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014. Tasik ini mengalami
eutrofikasi dan
penurunan kualiti air kerana peningkatan kadar pencemaran dan kekurangan sumber air. Sembilan lokasi
telah dipilih untuk
mewakili status kualiti
air di dalam kampus
Universiti Malaya (UM). Dua
buah anak
sungai yang melalui kampus UM turut
dikaji kerana potensinya
sebagai salah
satu sumber untuk
air tasik. Analisis
lapangan dan makmal
telah dijalankan
untuk memahami pengangkutan parameter kualiti
air. Data dianalisis dengan
menggunakan kaedah
multivariat statistik untuk menentukan perbezaan antara tasik dan sungai.
Berdasarkan Indeks
Kualiti Air Malaysia (WQI)
dan analisis kelompok,
keputusan membuktikan
bahawa tasik dan
sungai mempunyai
ciri fiziko-kimia yang berbeza dan air tasik mempunyai kualiti yang lebih baik daripada sungai.
Perbandingan bagi
PO43- dan NO3-
untuk tahun 2009 dan kajian semasa
membuktikan bahawa
kualiti air semasa telah meningkat sebanyak 99.8%. Ini membuktikan bahawa pemulihan tasik adalah berkesan.
Kata kunci: Air tasik; eutrofikasi; fiziko-kimia; kualiti air; pemulihan
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