Sains Malaysiana 46(9)(2017): 1369–1377


Fluorescence Quenching Reaction of Chlorophyll a by Tris(acetylacetonate)Iron(III) in Various Solvents

(Tindak Balas Pemelindapan Kependarfluoran Klorofil a oleh Tris(asetilacetonat)Iron(III) dalam Pelbagai Pelarut)





1Department of Chemistry and Center for Innovation in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Songkhla 90110, Thailand


2Public Health Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Southern College of Technology

Nakorn Si Thammarat 80110, Thailand


3Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Graz University of Technology, Graz, A-8010



Received: 31 August 2016/Accepted: 17 January 2017



Chlorophyll a is known as the prevailing light absorbing pigment giving a strong absorption and fluorescence emission in visible region. Quenching reactions of the chlorophyll a fluorescence by Fe(acac)3 were precisely investigated in various organic solvents which are benzene toluene, ethanol, methanol, dmf, dmso and acetonitrile. Electron transfer performance of chlorophyll a by Fe(acac)3 was investigated from oxidative quenching reaction. Herein, the simplified Rehm-Weller relationship was used to calculate the free energy change of the photo-induced electron transfer reaction. Emission intensity decreased when the concentration of Fe(acac)3 quencher was increased. Non-linear Stern-Volmer plots are found to be affected by inner filter effect more than the ground state complex formation. Rate of quenching reactions (kq) were determined from the Stern-Volmer equation with corrected inner filter effect. The rates of quenching reactions occurred faster in high viscous solvents.


Keywords: Chlorophyll a; oxidative quenching reaction; Stern-Volmer plotting



Klorofil a dikenali sebagai pigmen penyerap cahaya yang memberikan penyerapan yang kuat dan pelepasan kependarfluoran kawasan yang boleh dilihat. Tindak balas pemelindapan klorofil a oleh Fe(acac)3 dikaji secara tepat dalam pelbagai pelarut organik seperti benzena toluen, etanol, metanol, dmf, dmso dan asetonitril. Prestasi pemindahan elektron klorofil a oleh Fe(acac)3 telah dikaji daripada tindak balas pemelindapan oksidatif. Di sini, hubungan Rehm-Weller dipermudah telah digunakan untuk mengira perubahan tenaga bebas tindak balas pemindahan elektron teraruh-foto. Keamatan pelepasan menurun apabila kepekatan pelindap Fe(acac)3 meningkat. Plot Stern-Volmer tak linear terjejas oleh kesan turas dalaman lebih daripada pembentukan keadaan asas yang kompleks. Kadar tindak balas pemelindapan (kq) telah ditentukan daripada persamaan Stern-Volmer kesan turas dalaman diperbetulkan. Kadar tindak balas pemelindapan berlaku dengan lebih cepat dalam pelarut likat yang tinggi.


Kata kunci: Klorofil a; plot Stern-Volmer; tindak balas sepuhlindap oksidatif


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