Sains Malaysiana 46(9)(2017):
Formation and
Sustainability of H-mode Regime in Tokamak Plasma via Source Perturbations
Based on Two-Field Bifurcation Concept
(Pembentukan dan Kelestarian Rejim H-mod pada Plasma
Tokamak melalui Pengusikan
Sumber Berdasarkan Konsep Dua-Bidang Dwicabang)
1Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai,
90110, Thailand
2School of Manufacturing Systems
and Mechanical Engineering, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat
University, Pathum Thani, Thailand
31 August 2016/Accepted: 10 November 2016
A set of
coupled particle and thermal transport equations is used to study a formation
and sustainability of an edge transport barrier (ETB)
in tokamak plasmas based on two-field bifurcation. The two transport equations
are numerically solved for spatio-temporal profiles of plasma pressure and
density. The plasma core transport includes both neoclassical and turbulent
effects, where the latter can be suppressed by flow shear mechanism. The flow
shear, approximated from the force balance equation, is proportional to the
product of pressure and density gradients, resulting in non-linearity behaviors
in this calculation. The main thermal and particle sources are assumed to be
localized near plasma center and edge, respectively. It is found that the
fluxes versus gradients regime illustrates bifurcation nature of the plasma.
This picture of the plasma implies hysteresis properties in fluxes versus
gradients space. Hence, near marginal point, the perturbation in thermal or
particle sources can trigger an L-H transition. Due to hysteresis, the
triggered H-mode can be sustained and the central plasma pressure and density
can be enhanced.
Keywords: ETB;
fusion; L-H transition; plasma; tokamak
Satu set
gandingan zarah dan persamaan angkutan terma digunakan untuk mengkaji
pembentukan dan kelestarian halangan angkutan pinggiran (ETB)
dalam plasma tokamak berdasarkan dua medan dwicabang. Dua persamaan angkutan
diselesaikan secara berangka untuk profil ruang-masa tekanan plasma dan
ketumpatan. Teras plasma mengangkut kedua-dua kesan neoklasik dan turbulens,
dengan turbulens boleh disekat melalui mekanisme aliran ricih. Aliran ricih,
penghampiran daripada persamaan keseimbangan daya, adalah berkadaran dengan
produk tekanan dan kecerunan ketumpatan yang mengakibatkan tingkah-laku yang
tak linear dalam pengiraan ini. Sumber utama terma dan zarah masing-masing
adalah diandaikan setempat berhampiran pusat plasma dan pinggiran. Didapati
bahawa rejim kecerunan menggambarkan dwicabang semula jadi plasma. Gambaran
plasma ini membayangkan sifat histeresis dalam fluks berbanding ruang
kecerunan. Oleh yang demikian, berhampiran titik marginal, pengusikan di dalam
sumber terma atau zarah boleh mencetuskan peralihan L-H. Oleh sebab histeresis,
pencetus H-mod dapat dikekalkan dan ketumpatan tekanan tengah plasma boleh
Kata kunci: ETB; lakuran; plasma; peralihan L-H;
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