Sains Malaysiana 47(4)(2018):
Potential of Oil Palm Frond Residues in
Combination with S-Metolachlor for the
Inhibition of Selected Herbicide-Resistant Biotypes of Goosegrass
Emergence and Seedling Growth
(Potensi Residu Minyak Kelapa
Sawit dengan
S-Metolachlor untuk Perencatan Herbisid Terpilih - Rintangan Biotip daripada Kemunculan Rumput Sambau
dan Pertumbuhan
Anak Benih)
1School of Food Science and Technology, Laboratory of Agri-food Pest and Disease Management University of Malaysia
Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia
2School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty
of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600
UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Received: 28 March 2017/Accepted:
24 October 2017
Heavy reliance
on herbicides for goosegrass (Eleusine indica Gaertn.) control
has led to the development of paraquat,
glufosinate, fluazifop
and/or glyphosate resistance in goosegrass.
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of pre- emergence herbicide,
S-metolachlor-treated oil palm frond powder on inhibition of
resistant biotypes of goosegrass under glasshouse and field conditions. The oil palm
frond (OPF)
powder was treated with
S-metolachlor at its suboptimal
rate and applied as mulch. The herbicide-resistant goosegrass
plants were found to be more
inhibited when treated with S-metolachlor-treated
OPF mulch at the rate of 12 g ai ha-1
S-metolachlor + 1.5 t ha-1 OPF (with the exception
of the glufosinate-resistant googegrass
biotype in the sandy loam soil) compared to the growth of the resistant
biotypes in silty loam soil under glasshouse conditions. Field experiments
in an ambarella (Spondias dulcis L.) farm further
showed that OPF -treated with
S-metolachlor mulch at the rate
of 32.0
g ai ha-1 S-metolachlor + 4.0 t ha-1
OPF provided great suppression
of glyphosate-resistant biotypes of goosegrass
with more than 85% reduction of weed density and
biomass, respectively. These results suggested that the residue
of OPF have the potential to reduce the application rate of S-metolachor without compromising on the excellent
control obtained in combating these
herbicide-resistant biotypes of goosegrass.
Keywords: Eleusine indica; herbicide resistance;
pre-emergence; S-metolachlor; weed management
Kebergantungan yang tinggi terhadap herbisid untuk mengawal rumput sambau (Eleusine indica Gaertn.) telah mewujudkan sifat kerintangan rumput sambau terhadap paraquat, glufosinat, fluazifop dan/atau
glifosat. Kajian ini bertujuan
untuk menilai keberkesanan,
direaksi serbuk
pelepah kelapa sawit yang diperlakukan dengan herbisid pra- cambah S-metolachlor ke atas biotip rumput sambau rintang dalam rumah hijau dan lapangan. Serbuk pelepah kelapa sawit (OPF) yang telah diperlaku dengan S-metolachlor pada kadar suboptimum dan digunakan sebagai
sungkupan. Rumput sambau rintang herbisid didapati lebih terencat apabila dirawat dengan S-metolachlor melalui sungkupan OPF pada kadar 12 g ai
ha-1 S-metolachlor + 1.5 t
ha-1 OPF (kecuali biotip
rumput sambau rintang
glufosinate dalam
tanah loam berpasir) berbanding pertumbuhan biotip rintang di dalam tanah liat berkelodak di bawah keadaan rumah hijau. Uji kaji
di lapangan dalam
ladang tanaman ambarella (Spondias dulcis L.) juga menunjukkan bahawa OPF diperlaku dengan S-metolachlor pada kadar sungkupan 32.0
g ai ha-1 dan S-metolachlor + 4.0 t ha-1
OPF menyebabkan perencatan yang besar terhadap glifosat tahan biotip rumput sambau rintang terhadap glifosat dengan pengurangan masing-masing
melebihi 85% daripada kepadatan rumpai dan biojisim. Keputusan
ini menunjukkan
bahawa sisa OPF mempunyai potensi untuk mengurangkan kadar aplikasi
S-metolachor tanpa
menjejaskan kesan kawalan dalam menangani
biotip rumput
sambau rintang herbisid.
Kata kunci: Eleusine indica; herbisid pra-cambah;
kerintangan herbisid;
pengurusan rumpai; S-metolachlor
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