Sains Malaysiana 47(7)(2018): 1387–1392


Taburan Geokimia Unsur Sedimen Kuaterner Laut Cetek Muara Sungai Kelantan hingga ke Pelantar Laut China Selatan, Semenanjung Malaysia

(Geochemical Distribution of the Quarternary Sendiment Elements of Shallow Estuary Sea

of Sungai Kelantan until the Platform of South China Sea, Peninsular Malaysia)




Program Geologi, Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 18 November 2017/Accepted: 23 February 2018



Analisis geokimia menggunakan kaedah ICP-MS menunjukkan taburan geokimia unsur di kawasan kajian dipengaruhi oleh dua asalan sedimen berbeza iaitu daripada marin dan daratan. Unsur Ca dan Mg dikenal pasti sebagai unsur marin, manakala unsur Al, Fe, Mn, Na, Cu, Cr, Zn dan Ni dikenal pasti sebagai unsur daratan. Unsur Ca dan Mg dikenal pasti terhasil daripada proses penyahkapuran rangka dan hidupan marin seperti cengkerang moluska dan foraminifera. Unsur benua berasal daripada granit dari Gunung Korbu dan Gunung Stong yang disaliri oleh Sungai Nenggiri dan Sungai Galas, serta batuan argilit arenit yang berasal dari bahagian selatan dan tenggara Negeri Kelantan dari Gunung Cintawangsa dan Gunung Stong dan disaliri oleh Sungai Lebir dan Sungai Galas. Unsur daripada batuan induk membebaskan unsur kimia semasa luluhawa kimia dan telah dijerap oleh cas-cas negatif pada permukaan sedimen halus seperti lempung dan lodak sebelum dimendapkan bersama di dalam kawasan kajian.


Kata kunci: Asalan sedimen; Delta Sungai Kelantan; taburan geokimia; unsur major; unsur minor



The geochemical analysis using ICP-MS method showed that the geochemical distribution of elements influenced by two sediment origins: From marine and terrestrial. Ca and Mg were identified as marine elements, while Al, Fe, Mn, Na, Cu, Cr, Zn and Ni were identified as terrestrial elements. The Ca and Mg elements were derived from decalcification of skeletons of marine life such as mollusc and foraminiferas. Continental elements might have originated from granites of Gunung Korbu and Gunung Stong which are drained by Sungai Nenggiri and Sungai Galas, while and argillaceous arenaceous rocks from the south and southeastern parts of Kelantan state which originated from Gunung Cintawangsa and Gunung Stong are being drained by Sungai Lebir and Sungai Galas. These parent rocks have released their chemical elements during a chemical weathering and the elements have been absorbed by negative charges on the surface of fine sediments such as clay and silt before being deposited in the study area.


Keywords: Geochemistry distribution; major element; minor element; sediment origin; Sungai Kelantan Delta


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