Sains Malaysiana 47(8)(2018): 1757-1773


Penilaian Sifat Fisio-kimia dan Analisis Hedonik bagi Titisan Piramid Padi Tahan Kemarau Terpilih

(Physio-chemical Properties Evaluation and Hedonic Analysis of Selected Drought Tolerant Pyramided Rice Lines)




School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 17 January 2018/Accepted: 26 March 2018



Pembiakbakaan padi tahan kemarau menjadi agenda utama ahli pembiak baka namun ia amatlah penting bagi memastikan kultivar padi baru tahan kemarau yang bakal dihasilkan mampu memenuhi cita rasa pengguna daripada segi ciri fisio-kimia serta kualiti beras dan nasi. Dalam kajian ini, sebanyak sepuluh genotip padi yang terdiri daripada lapan titisan piramid padi tahan kemarau (PLs) dan dua induk, MR219 dan MRQ74 dinilai bagi ciri fisio-kimia dan kualitinya. Kesemua genotip mempunyai kandungan amilosa (AC) yang sederhana iaitu dalam julat 20% hingga 25% kecuali PL-MR219-G1 (AC rendah - 16%) dan induk MRQ74 (AC tinggi - 27%). Selain itu, kesemua genotip juga mempunyai suhu pengelatinan (GT) yang sederhana, konsistensi gel (GC) yang lembut serta mempunyai bentuk beras yang tirus. Tiada perbezaan yang signifikan diperoleh antara PLs dan induk untuk kesemua atribut dalam analisis hedonik kecuali bagi ciri aroma dalam populasi MRQ74. Skor PL-MRQ74-G1 bagi ciri aroma dalam ujian sensori berbeza secara signifikan dengan induk menunjukkan bahawa nasi yang dihasilkan PL ini tidak wangi. Analisis genotip turut mengesahkan gen yang mengawal ciri aroma, alel badh2 tiada dalam PL-MRQ74-G1 disebabkan rekombinasi semasa silangan. Namun demikian, alel badh2 hadir dalam PL-MRQ74-G2 yang menyokong hasil ujian hedonik dan PL ini tidak berbeza dengan MRQ74 bagi atribut aroma. Secara amnya, PLs serupa dengan beras komersial yang merupakan induk mereka bagi ciri fisio-kimia dan kualiti. PLs yang tahan kemarau ini boleh dikomersialkan kerana memenuhi cita rasa pengguna Malaysia yang sukakan nasi yang lembut dan tirus selain tempoh memasak yang singkat.


Kata kunci: Alel badh2; fisio-kimia; kualiti beras; titisan piramid padi; ujian sensori



Breeding of drought tolerant rice has become the main agenda of breeders nevertheless it is crucial in ensuring the capability of this new drought tolerant rice to satisfy customers in terms of physio-chemical properties as well as the grains and cooked rice quality. In this study, ten rice genotypes were evaluated for physiochemical properties and its quality by which eight were drought tolerant pyramided lines (PLs) and the parents, MR219 and MRQ74. All genotypes of had intermediate amylose content (AC) ranging from 20% to 25% except PL-MR219-G1 (low AC - 16%) and MRQ74 (high AC - 27%). All genotypes also had moderate gelatinization temperature (GT), soft gel consistency (GC) and slender grain shape. No significant different results were obtained between PLs and its parent for all attributes in hedonic analysis except for aromatic trait in MRQ74 population. The score of PL-MRQ74-G1 for aromatic trait in sensory analysis was significant different to MRQ74 indicate that this PL is non-aromatic rice. The genotyping analysis confirmed that the gene which control aromatic trait, badh2 was absent in PL-MRQ74-G1 due to recombination during crossing. However, badh2 allele was present in PL-MRQ74-G2 which supported the hedonic analysis where this PL was not significant different to MRQ74 for aromatic trait. In general, PLs were similar to commercial rice (their parent) for physio-chemical properties and quality traits. The new drought tolerant PLs can be commercialized as it satisfies Malaysian customers that favor soft and slender cooked rice besides its short cooking duration.


Keywords: Badh2 allele; physio-chemical; pyramided rice lines; rice quality; sensory analysis



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