Sains Malaysiana 48(10)(2019):
Source Term Atmospheric Release and
Core Inventory Analysis for the PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor under Severe
Accident Conditions
(Pengeluaran Atmosfera Source Term dan
Analisis Inventori Teras bagi Reaktor
Keadaan Kemalangan
yang Teruk)
1Nuclear Science Programme,
School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia
2Institut Islam Hadhari, Kompleks Tun Abdullah Mohd Salleh, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Technology Center, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, MESTECC, Bangi,
43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia
8 November 2018/Accepted: 22 August 2019
The estimation
of core inventory and source term of nuclear reactor is a part of
procedures for conducting a Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Currently, there are not many studies in this area for nuclear research
reactors, as it is yet to be made compulsory in the regulatory licensing
process among the nuclear-powered countries. This assessment is
important to be done in order to be informed about the severity
of a nuclear accident. In this study, the type of radionuclides
and their activities when unintentionally released to the atmosphere
were calculated using the ORIGEN2
code. This work was carried out for PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor (RTP)
under a hypothetical severe accident. The core inventory for RTP was
determined by assuming the reactor to be operated continuously for
365 days at full power (1 MWt). 42 radionuclides
were chosen due to their dominant effects in source term. The atmospheric
release of radionuclides is not the same as another depending on
the physical condition of the reactor after the accident. The effects
of these radionuclides when exposed to the public may cause serious
health concern.
Atmospheric dispersion; core inventory; ORIGEN2; severe accident; source
Anggaran inventori
teras dan source
term untuk reaktor
nuklear merupakan
sebahagian daripada prosedur dalam menjalankan Penilaian Kebarangkalian Keselamatan (PSA)
Tahap 2. Pada
masa ini, tidak banyak
kajian sebegini
dilakukan ke atas
reaktor nuklear
penyelidikan, memandangkan ia belum lagi
diwajibkan dalam
peraturan proses perlesenan dalam kalangan negara yang menggunakan tenaga nuklear. Penilaian sebegini adalah penting untuk dijalankan untuk mengetahui tahap keterukan situasi apabila berlakunya kemalangan nuklear. Dalam kajian ini, jenis
radionuklid dan
aktivitinya apabila berlaku perlepasan tidak sengaja dikenalpasti
dengan menggunakan
kod ORIGEN2. Kajian
ini dilakukan
ke atas Reaktor
PUSPATI (RTP) yang dianggap
berada dalam
keadaan kemalangan teruk hipotetik. Inventori teras untuk RTP ditentukan
dengan andaian
bahawa reaktor beroperasi selama 365 hari tanpa henti
dengan kuasa
penuh (1 MWt). 42 radionuklid dipilih berdasarkan kesan dominan dalam source term.
Bergantung kepada
keadaan fizikal reaktor selepas kemalangan terjadi, situasi perlepasan radionuklid ke atmosfera adalah tidak sama mengikut
kes. Kesan daripada dedahan radionuklid ini kepada orang awam juga boleh menyebabkan
masalah kesihatan
yang serius.
Kata kunci: Inventori teras; kemalangan teruk; ORIGEN2; perlepasan
atmosfera; source term
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