Sains Malaysiana 48(3)(2019): 677–684
Fifth Order Multistep Block Method for Solving
Volterra Integro-Differential Equations of Second Kind
(Kaedah Blok Berbilanglangkah Peringkat Lima
bagi Penyelesaian Persamaan Pembezaan - Kamiran Volterra Jenis Kedua)
1Institute for Mathematical
Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
3 July 2018/Accepted: 21 November 2018
In the present paper, the multistep
block method is proposed to solve the linear and non-linear Volterra
integro-differential equations (VIDEs) of the second kind using
constant step size. The proposed block method of order five consists
of two point block method presented as in the simple form of Adams
Moulton type. The numerical solutions are obtained at two new values
simultaneously at each of the integration step. In VIDEs, the unknown function appears in
the form of derivative and under the integral sign. The approximation
of the integral part is estimated using the Boole’s quadrature rule.
The stability region is shown, and the numerical results are presented
to illustrate the performance of the proposed method in terms of
accuracy, total function calls and execution times compared to the
existing method.
Keywords: Block method; quadrature
rule; Volterra integro-differential equation
Dalam makalah ini, kaedah blok
berbilanglangkah dicadangkan bagi menyelesaikan persamaan pembezaan-kamiran
Volterra (PPKV) linear dan tak linear daripada jenis kedua menggunakan
saiz langkah yang malar. Kaedah blok peringkat lima yang dicadangkan
terdiri daripada dua titik blok yang dibentangkan dalam bentuk yang
mudah daripada jenis Adams Moulton. Penyelesaian berangka diperoleh
dalam dua nilai baru pada masa yang sama di setiap langkah kamiran.
Dalam PPKV,
fungsi yang tidak diketahui muncul dalam bentuk terbitan dan tanda
kamiran. Penghampiran bahagian kamiran dianggarkan dengan menggunakan
peraturan kuadratur Boole. Rantau kestabilan ditunjukkan dan keputusan
berangka dibentangkan untuk menggambarkan prestasi kaedah yang dicadangkan
daripada segi kejituan, jumlah panggilan fungsi dan masa pelaksanaan
berbanding kaedah sedia ada.
Kata kunci: Aturan kuadratur; kaedah blok; persamaan pembezaan-kamiran
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