Sains Malaysiana 48(4)(2019): 773–780
Representative Candidate of Gelatinase
Encoded Gene in Enterobacter aerogenes (Strain EA1) for Hydrolyzing
Porcine Gelatin
(Calon Wakil Gen yang Mengekod Gelatinase di dalam
Enterobacter aerogenes (Strain EA1) bagi Hidrolisis
Gelatin Babi)
1School of Chemical
Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2Politeknik Metro
Kuantan, A-5, Jalan Tun Ismail 2, Sri Dagangan 11, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Darul
Makmur, Malaysia
3Malaysia Genome
Institute, Ministry of Science Technology and Inovasion, Bangi, 43600 Kajang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2 March 2018/Accepted: 31 January 2019
Enterobacter aerogenes (Strain EA1)
was characterised as gelatinase species-specific bacterium to
porcine and fish gelatin. This bacterium offers the possibility
of enzymes production to each species gelatin. In this study,
a bioinformatic analysis toward genome sequence of E. aerogenes
was perfomed to determine genes encoded for gelatinase.
E. aerogenes were partially genome sequenced resulting in 5.0
mega basepair total size of sequence. From pre-process pipeline,
78.58% of high quality reads was obtained for E.
aerogenes. Genome assembly produced 120 contigs with 55.17%
of GC base content. Protein prediction analysis determined
4705 genes from E. aerogenes. Two gelatinase candidate
target genes selected from E. aerogenes were NODE_9_length_26866_cov_148.013245_12
containing 1029 bp sequence and NODE_24_length_155103_cov_177.082458_62
containing 717 bp sequence with highest similarity identity percentage
against gelatinase enzyme available in Swiss-Prot and NCBI online
database. Then, primers were designed for each target genes based
on the open reading frame of selected genes. The expected gene
candidate showed, 1029 bp and 717 bp amplicons for gen NODE_9_12
and gene NODE_24_62, respectively. Thus, gelatinase candidate
encoded genes of E. aerogenes were identified for hydrolyzing
porcine gelatin.
Keywords: Bioinformatic analysis; Enterobacter
aerogenes; gelatinase; hydrolysis; porcine gelatin
Enterobacter aerogenes (Strain EA1)
ialah sejenis bakteria yang menghasilkan gelatinase khusus-spesies
terhadap gelatin babi dan ikan. Bakteria ini menawarkan kemungkinan
penghasilan enzim yang mencernakan gelatin spesies tertentu. Dalam
kajian ini, satu analisis bioinformatik terhadap jujukan genom
E. aerogenes telah dilakukan bagi mengenal pasti gen yang
mengekod gelatinase. Penjujukan separa genom E. Aerogenes
telah menghasilkan saiz keseluruhan sebanyak 5.0 mega pasangan
bes. Daripada pemprosesan awal, 78.58% jujukan berkualiti tinggi
telah diperoleh bagi E. aerogenes. Penghimpunan genom telah
menghasilkan 120 kontig dengan 55.17% kandungan bes. Analisis
peramalan protein telah mengenal pasti 4705 gene daripada E.
aerogenes. Dua gen sasaran calon gelatinase terpilih ialah
NODE_9_length_26866_cov_148.013245_12 mengandungi 1029 bp jujukan
dan NODE_24_length_155103_cov_177.082458_62 mengandungi 717 bp
jujukan, dengan peratus identiti persamaan tertinggi dengan enzim
gelatinase yang terdapat di pangkalan data atas talian Swiss-Prot
dan NCBI.
Kemudian, pencetus telah direka bentuk bagi setiap gen sasaran
berdasarkan rangka bacaan terbuka gen terpilih. Calon gen yang
dijangka telah ditunjukkan, 1029 bp dan 717 bp amplikon bagi gen
NODE_9_12 dan NODE_24_62. Oleh itu, gen yang mengekod calon gelatinase
telah dikenal pasti bagi hidrolisis gelatin babi.
kunci: Analisis bioinformatik; Enterobacter aerogenes; gelatin babi; gelatinase; hidrolisis
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