Sains Malaysiana 48(7)(2019):
Dependence Modeling and
Portfolio Risk Estimation using GARCH-Copula Approach
(Pemodelan Kebersandaran
dan Penganggaran Risiko Portfolio menggunakan Pendekatan GARCH-Copula)
of Management, Multimedia University, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Pemodelan dan Sains Data, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Received: 21 July 2017/Accepted: 3 May 2019
Past studies have shown
that linear correlation measure may result in misleading interpretations and
implications of dependency when financial variables are involved. The copula
approach can be adopted as an alternative for measuring dependence as it
provides the solution to fat tail problems in multivariate cases which arises
from the probability of large or extreme co-movements. Due to limited studies
on copulas using Islamic financial data, this study set outs to obtain a clear
picture on the dependence between Islamic and conventional stock markets in
Malaysia. Firstly, we model the dependence between Islamic and conventional
returns data using the copula-ARMA-GARCH models with normal
and non-normal error distributions, and secondly, we evaluate the portfolios of
Islamic and conventional indices using recent risk measures. This paper shows
that, by using the copula approach for measuring the dependency between two
financial variables while maintaining their true nature as described by the ARMA-GARCH models, meaningful interpretation can be made about the
association of the financial variables which reflects the real association
between markets. Furthermore, this study proposes a set of procedures on how
portfolio risks can be estimated using VaR based on the ARMA(p,q)-GARCH(1,1)-t-copula
models including backtesting via simulation.
Keywords: Copula; GARCH;
risk; stock returns
Kajian lepas telah
menunjukkan ukuran korelasi linear mungkin boleh menghasilkan interpretasi dan
implikasi yang mengelirukan tentang kebersandaran yang melibatkan pemboleh ubah
kewangan. Kaedah copula boleh diguna sebagai alternatif untuk mengukur
kebersandaran. Kaedah ini memberikan penyelesaian kepada masalah ekor tebal
dalam kes multivariat yang muncul daripada pergerakan bersama yang ekstrim.
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas berkenaan
kebersandaran antara pasaran saham islam dengan konvensional di Malaysia kerana
kajian berkenaan kaedah copula ke atas data kewangan islam adalah terhad.
Pertama, pemodelan kebersandaran dilakukan menggunakan kaedah copula-ARMA-GARCH dengan taburan ralat normal dan tidak normal. Kedua, portfolio
risiko dianggar melalui ukuran risiko yang terkini. Kajian ini menunjukkan
kaedah copula boleh mengukur kebersandaran dan mengekalkan ciri sebenar
pulangan saham yang diwakili oleh model ARMA-GARCH, di samping
memberikan interpretasi bermakna yang mencerminkan hubungan sebenar antara
pasaran saham. Selain itu, kajian ini mencadangkan prosedur penganggaran risiko
menggunakan kaedah VaR yang berdasarkan model ARMA(p,q)-GARCH(1,1)-t-copula,
termasuklah pengujian belakang melalui pendekatan simulasi.
Kata kunci: Copula; GARCH;
pulangan saham; risiko
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