Sains Malaysiana 48(9)(2019):
Atomistic Simulations of
Nanoindentation Response of Irradiation Defects in Iron
(Simulasi Atomistik
bagi Tindak Balas Pelekukan Nano bagi Kecacatan Penyinaran dalam Besi)
1College of Nuclear
Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China
2Department of Nuclear
Engineering, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Received: 25 February
2019/Accepted: 12 July 2019
Radiation response of
a material is a consequence of defects' evolution in any radiation
damage event. The radiation-induced defects can significantly alter
the mechanical properties of a material. Radiation damage initiates
from incident neutron by bombardment on solid material causing production
and evolution of Frenkel defects. Since voids are formed due to
aggregation of a large number of vacancies that cause dimensional
changes and hence irradiation-induced swelling. In order to characterize
the effect of irradiation defects, we have performed molecular dynamics
(MD) simulations to investigate nanoindentation response
of point defects and voids in Fe and their effects on mechanical
parameters. The radial effect of voids and their interaction mechanism
is also explored by nanoindentation simulation. It has been found
that most of the dislocation produced are <111> and <100>
during nanoindentation in all simulated models. There will be an
increase in dislocation density which will harden the material and
reduce its toughness. The mechanical parameters such as hardness
H and reduced elastic modulus Er of irradiation defects are calculated
from P-h curves. It is found that both H & Er of
the point defects and voids are lower than the perfect model.
Keywords: Elastic
modulus; hardness; irradiation defects; molecular dynamics simulations;
Tindak balas sinaran
sesuatu bahan adalah kesan daripada evolusi kecacatan dalam kejadian kerosakan
sinaran. Punca kecacatan aruhan sinaran dengan ketara boleh mengubah sifat
mekanik bahan. Kecacatan sinaran yang dimulakan daripada kejadian neutron dengan
pembedilan pada bahan pepejal menyebabkan pengeluaran dan evolusi kecacatan
Frenkel. Lompang terbentuk kerana pengagregatan sebilangan besar kekosongan
yang menyebabkan perubahan dimensi dan bengkak teraruh penyinaran. Untuk
mencirikan kesan kecacatan penyinaran, simulasi molekul dinamik (MD)
telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji tindak balas pelekukan nano kecacatan titik dan
lompang pada Fe dan kesannya terhadap parameter mekanik. Kesan jejari lompang
dan mekanisme interaksinya juga diterokai oleh simulasi pelekukan nano.
Didapati bahawa kebanyakan kehelan yang dihasilkan adalah <111> dan
<100> semasa pelekukan-nano dalam semua model simulasi. Terdapat
peningkatan dalam ketumpatan perkehelan yang akan mengeraskan bahan dan
mengurangkan keliatan. Parameter mekanik seperti kekerasan H dan pengurangan
sinaran kecacatan modulus elastik Er akan dihitung bermula dari
lengkung P-h. Didapati bahawa kedua-dua titik cacat dan lompang H & Er
adalah lebih rendah berbanding model yang sempurna.
Kata kunci: Kecacatan
sinaran; kekerasan; modulus elastik; pelekukan nano; simulasi molekul dinamik
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