Sains Malaysiana 49(4)(2020): 755-764
Characterisation of Eimeria
tenella Porin, a Potential
Anticoccidial Drug Target
(Pencirian Molekul Eimeria tenella Porin, Sasaran Dadah Antikoksidia yang Berpotensi)
1School of Biosciences and
Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Received: 25 September 2019/Accepted: 20 December 2019
Eimeria tenella is an apicomplexan
parasite that causes the economically important disease coccidiosis
in chickens. An estimated loss over $3 billion USD per annum has
been reported. Control of coccidiosis relies on chemotherapy and
vaccination, but drug resistance is common and live vaccines are
relatively expensive. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop
new drugs to control Eimeria infections. Recent studies have
shown that the pore forming structures of porin play important roles
in many eukaryotic organisms. In this study, we generated and characterised
a putative porin cDNA sequence from E. tenella that we have named Etporin.
Sequence alignments showed that Etporin is 47 % similar
to the putative porin sequence of Toxoplasma
gondii, while a search against the Conserved Domain Database
(CDD) shows that Etporin contains the
Porin3 superfamily domain. Multiple sequence alignment with porin
sequences from various eukaryotic organisms showed that the conserved
VKXKX and GLK/STK motifs are present in Etporin. Analysis of the predicted Etporin
3D structure showed a classic beta barrel structure consisting of 19 beta-strands.
Taken together, these results suggested Etporin
has the potential to be developed into an anticoccidial drug target.
Keywords: Coccidiosis;
drug target; protein structure
Eimeria tenella adalah parasit apikompleksa yang menyebabkan
penyakit koksidiosis pada ayam. Anggaran
kerugian ekonomi
melebihi USD $3 bilion setahun telah dilaporkan.
Pengawalan penyakit
ini bergantung kepada kemoterapi dan pemvaksinan, namun kerintangan dadah adalah berleluasa
dan vaksin
hidup adalah mahal
secara relatifnya.
Oleh itu, terdapat
keperluan yang mendesak
untuk membangunkan dadah baru bagi
mengawal jangkitanEimeria.
Kajian terkini
menunjukkan bahawa struktur porin yang terlibat dalam pembentukan liang memainkan peranan penting dalam kebanyakan
organisma eukariot.
Dalam kajian ini,
kami telah menjana
dan mencirikan jujukan cDNA porin putatif daripadaE. tenella, yang telah dinamakan Etporin. Penjajaran jujukan berbilang menunjukkan bahawa Etporin mempunyai 47% keserupaan dengan jujukan porin putatifToxoplasma
gondii, sementara
pencarian terhadap Pangkalan Data Domain Terpelihara
(CDD) menunjukkan bahawa
Etporin mengandungi domain superfamili Porin3. Penjajaran
jujukan berbilang dengan jujukan porin daripada pelbagai
organisma eukariot
turut menunjukkan bahawa motif terpelihara VKXKX
dan GLK/STK hadir pada Etporin. Analisis
struktur ramalan
3D Etporinmenunjukkan struktur tong beta klasik yang terdiri
daripada 19 bebenang-beta.
Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian ini
mencadangkan potensi
Etporin untuk dibangunkan
sebagai sasaran
dadah antikoksidia.
Kata kunci: Koksidiosis; sasaran dadah; struktur protein
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