Sains Malaysiana 50(12)(2021): 3683-3691


A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effect of VCO in Reducing Glucose and Body Weight in Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Pilot Study

(Ujian Terkawal Rawak terhadap Kesan VCO dalam Mengurangkan Glukosa dan Berat Badan pada Pesakit Sindrom Koronari Pascaakut: Suatu Kajian Perintis)




1Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Jalan Universiti, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia


2Department of Nursing, School of Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


3Medical Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Jalan Universiti, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia


4Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 1 May 2020/Accepted: 24 March 2021



The aims of this paper were to determine the effect of virgin coconut oil (VCO) on bodyweight and serum glucose level among acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. Various clinical trials on animal studies have found that the VCO has many beneficial effects on health. However, there have been limited published human studies on the pharmacological properties of VCO. Investigation on human subjects is extremely required in order to provide more empirical evidence to show the effect of VCO for ACS patients. Randomised single blind study conducted between March 2018 and April 2018. RCT was conducted among 70 ACS patients for 30 days. Participants in group A received their bottles containing 100 pieces of virgin coconut oil soft gels and were required to ingest 10 capsules per day (5 mL/5 gm) and continue routine treatment (diabetic diet and diabetic medication). Group B participants continued receiving routine treatment. Changes in serum fating blood sugar and body weight were identified using a paired t-test and independent t-test. A total of 70 patients participated with ages of 51 years old and older and were mostly male. The serum FBS and body weight of the intervention group that received VCO were reduced about 13.6% on day 30, from the baseline on day 1. They also had body weight reduction of about 2% with p value of less than 0.05. In contrast, the control group that only received routine treatment showed an increment of 12.1% in their serum FBS and had no changes in body weight. These reductions were noted within 30 days of consuming a daily dose of VCO (5 g every day). The properties of lauric acid and antioxidants present in the VCO composition were key players in the reduction of serum glucose levels and body weight. VCO can reduce serum glucose levels and body weight with 5 mL (5 g) of VCO per day for 30 days. Also, VCO may have a positive effect towards the glucose level and other cardiovascular risk factors.


Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome; diabetes mellitus; medium chain triglyceride; virgin coconut oil



Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberkesanan minyak kelapa dara ke atas serum glukosa dan berat badan dalam kalangan pesakit sindrom koronari akut (SKA). Kajian ke atas haiwan mendapati minyak kelapa dara mempunyai beberapa kesan kepada kesihatan. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian keberkesanan minyak kelapa dara ke atas manusia adalah terhad. Penyelidikan keberkesanan minyak kelapa dara terhadap manusia adalah diperlukan untuk menyediakan lebih bukti empirik terhadap kesan minyak kelapa dara kepada pesakit SKA. Ujian terkawal rawak buta tunggal telah dijalankan pada Mac 2018 sehingga April 2018. RCT telah dijalankan ke atas 70 orang pesakit SKA selama 30 hari. Peserta daripada kumpulan A telah diberi satu botol yang mengandungi 100 biji kapsul minyak kelapa dara dan perlu mengambil 10 kapsul sehari (5 mL/5 gm) serta meneruskan rutin perawatan (diet dan ubat diabetik). Peserta daripada kumpulan B pula meneruskan rutin perawatan seperti biasa. Perubahan pada serum glukosa dan berat badan dikenal pasti dengan menggunakan analisis ujian t berpasangan dan ujian t tak bersandar. Seramai 70 peserta kajian kebanyakannya terdiri daripada peserta lelaki dan berusia dalam lingkungan 51 tahun dan lebih. Perbandingan serum glukosa daripada kumpulan intervensi menampakkan penurunan dari hari pertama kajian sehingga hari ke 30 sebanyak 13.6% dan penurunan berat badan adalah sebanyak 2%, dengan kadar signifikasi kurang daripada 0.05. Kumpulan yang menerima penjagaan rutin menunjukkan peningkatan serum FBS sebanyak 12.1% dan tiada perubahan dalam berat badan. Penurunan ini dapat dilihat pada hari ke 30 dengan pengambilan VCO sebanyak 5 g sehari. Kesan penurunan glukosa dan berat badan adalah disebabkan oleh tindakan asid laurik dan antioksida yang terdapat di dalam komposisi VCO. Minyak kelapa dara menunjukkan keupayaan menurunkan serum glukosa dan berat badan dengan dos 5 mL/5 gm sehari selama 30 hari. Minyak kelapa dara mempunyai kesan positif terhadap serum glukosa dan faktor risiko kardiovaskular yang lain.


Kata kunci: Diabetes mellitus; minyak kelapa dara; sindrom koronari akut; trigliserida rantai sederhana



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