Sains Malaysiana 50(1)(2021): 85-92
Characterization of Jatropha podagrica Seed Oil for Potential Biodiesel Production and other Industrial Applications
in Thailand
(Pencirian Fisikokimia Minyak Biji Jatropha podagrica bagi Pengeluaran Biodisel Berpotensi dan Aplikasi Industri lain di Thailand)
1Centre of Excellence in Research for
Agricultural Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture Natural Resources and
Environment, Naresuan University, Muang Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand
2Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biosciences,
University for Development Studies, P.O. Box TL 1882, Tamale, Ghana
3Department of Biotechnology, Sangmyung
University, Seoul 03016, Korea
4Department of Chemical and Biological
Engineering, Korea University, 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Korea
5Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,
Naresuan University, Muang Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand
18 July 2019/Accepted: 6 July 2020
Jatropha is
considered as one of the most promising potential oil sources for biodiesel
production and other industrial applications. However, research on the
potential of Jatropha seed oil is mainly focused on Jatropha curcas,
with other species receiving little attention. The physicochemical properties
of J. podagrica seed oil was studied to determine its potential as feedstock for biodiesel
production and other industrial applications in Thailand. The seed oil was
extracted with n-hexane from milled kernels using the soxhlet extractor and
subsequently characterised for free fatty acids, iodine value, viscosity,
saponification value, density, and acid value. The fatty acid profile of the
seed oil was also analysed using gas chromatography (GC). Analysis of the physical
properties of the J. podagrica seed kernel showed lower average physical
characteristics when compared to those of J. curcas seed kernel. J. podagrica seeds had high oil content comparable to J. curcas oil content. The
main fatty acid components of the seed oil were oleic acid (15%) and linoleic
acid (70%). Generally, the results of the physicochemical analysis indicated
that J. podagrica seed oil would be very useful for the production of soap and shampoo in
Thailand. To produce biodiesel from the seed oil, a two-step acid-catalysed
transesterification process would be appropriate.
Keywords: Biodiesel; Jatropha curcas; Jatropha podagrica;
methyl esters; non-edible oil
Jatropha dianggap sebagai salah satu sumber minyak yang sangat berpotensi untuk
pengeluaran biodiesel dan aplikasi industri lain. Walau bagaimanapun,
penyelidikan mengenai potensi minyak biji Jatropha hanya difokuskan
ke atas Jatropha curcas manakala spesies lain kurang mendapat perhatian. Sifat fizikokimia minyak biji J. podagrica telah dikaji untuk menentukan potensinya sebagai bahan untuk pengeluaran
biodiesel dan aplikasi industri lain di Thailand. Minyak biji telah diekstrak
dengan n-heksana daripada isirong yang telah digiling menggunakan pengekstrak
soxhlet dan kemudiannya dicirikan untuk asid lemak bebas, nilai iodin,
kelikatan, nilai saponifikasi, ketumpatan dan nilai asid. Profil asid lemak
minyak biji juga dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas (GC). Analisis sifat
fizikal isirong biji J. podagrica menunjukkan purata ciri fizikal yang
lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan isirong biji J. curcas. Biji J. podagrica mempunyai kandungan minyak yang tinggi standing dengan kandungan minyak J. curcas.
Komponen utama asid lemak bagi minyak biji adalah asid oleik (15%) dan asid
linoleik (70%). Secara umumnya, hasil analisis fizikokimia menunjukkan bahawa
minyak biji J. podagrica akan sangat berguna untuk pengeluaran
sabun dan syampu di Thailand. Untuk menghasilkan biodiesel daripada minyak
biji, proses transesterifikasi pemangkin asid dua langkah adalah bersesuaian.
Kata kunci: Biodiesel; Jatropha curcas; Jatropha podagrica;
metil ester; minyak yang tidak boleh dimakan
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