Sains Malaysiana 50(4)(2021): 1057-1063
Identification of Medications that
Increase Fall Risk among Residents in Residential Aged Care Facilities in Klang Valley, Malaysia
(Pengenalpastian Ubat-Ubatan yang Meningkatkan Risiko Jatuh di Kalangan Penghuni Rumah Jagaan Warga Tua di Lembah Klang, Malaysia)
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 53000
Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
Received: 22 June 2020/ Accepted: 3 September
Frailty in the elderly is considered a contributor to
falls and is increasingly recognized as a public health priority. Certain type of drugs is associated with the risk of
falling. This
study aimed to identify the use of drugs that may cause falls (FRIDs) among frail elderly residents in residential aged
care facilities (RACF). A
cross-sectional study was conducted among RACF residents in Klang Valley, Malaysia, who are 65 years old and above from December 2019 to March
2020 using a set of researcher-assisted and validated questionnaires upon their
consent. A total of 72 elderly residents were included in this study. More than
90% of the residents were classified as the frail or pre-frail. The majority of
them were taking fall-risk increasing drugs (n=53, 73.6%). The calcium channel
blocker is the most common drug identified that may cause falls among the
participants. No significant association was found between demographic data,
frailty status, and fall risk with FRIDs usage in this study. The majority of
the elderly residents were using drugs that may cause falls. Therefore, a periodical
medication review is needed to prevent any potential harms towards the
Keywords: Accidental falls; aged; fall- risk increasing
drugs; frailty
Sindrom lemah pada orang tua dianggap sebagai penyumbang kepada kejatuhan dan semakin dikenali sebagai masalah kesihatan awam. Terdapat ubat-ubatan tertentu dikaitkan dengan risiko untuk jatuh.
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti penggunaan ubat-ubatan yang boleh menyebabkan kejatuhan (FRIDs) di kalangan warga tua yang lemah di kemudahan jagaan warga emas (RACF). Satu kajian keratan rentas dilakukan di kalangan penghuni RACF di Lembah Klang, Malaysia yang berumur 65 tahun ke atas dari Disember 2019 hingga Mac 2020 menggunakan satu set soal selidik yang dibantu oleh penyelidik dan berdasarkan persetujuan. Seramai 72 penghuni terlibat dalam kajian ini. Lebih daripada 90% penghuni terlibat dikelaskan sebagai lemah atau pra-lemah. Sebilangan besar daripada mereka mengambil ubat yang boleh menyebabkan kejatuhan (n = 53,
73.6%). Penyekat saluran kalsium adalah ubat yang paling lazim menyebabkan kejatuhan di kalangan penghuni warga tua. Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara data demografi, status lemah dan risiko jatuh dengan penggunaan FRIDs dalam kajian ini. Sebilangan besar penghuni warga tua menggunakan ubat-ubatan yang boleh menyebabkan jatuh. Oleh itu, pemantauan ubat secara berkala diperlukan untuk mengelakkan bahaya kepada penghuni.
Kata kunci: Berumur; jatuh tidak sengaja; sindrom lemah; ubat yang mempunyai risiko jatuh
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