Sains Malaysiana 50(6)(2021): 1543-1562


Tillage Systems Affecting Rice-Wheat Cropping System

(Sistem Pembajakan Mempengaruhi Sistem Tanaman Padi-Gandum)




1Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan


2Department of Agronomy, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan


3Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Pakistan


Received: 25 April 2020/Accepted: 8 October 2020



Rice-wheat production is an essential component of cropping systems in the Indus-Ganga Plains (IGP) which play a pivotal role in food security of south Asia. These crops are being cultivated on an area of about 13.5 M ha of South Asia. In rice-wheat cropping system, the major reason for lower wheat grain yield is use of unwise tillage practices during wheat seedbed preparation, cultivation of late maturing rice varieties, water shortage, labor shortage, high cost of fertilizers and poor crop management practices. Resource-conserving technology improves the sustainability and productivity of wheat, which ultimately increase the farmer’s livelihood and reduce poverty. Tillage plays an important role in agricultural operation for soil manipulation to optimize the crop productivity. Different tillage systems are being practiced for wheat production in rice-wheat cropping systems including intensive tillage system, conventional and deep tillage, conservation tillage that consisting of minimum tillage, ridge tillage, and no-till or zero tillage system. Zero tillage gives more accessible and efficient planting system that ensures timely wheat cultivation, cut off the tillage operation, better crop residue management that ultimately minimize the cost of production and keeps environment clean. Operational costs for wheat sowing are 50-60% lower with zero tillage (ZT) sowing than with conventional sowing. The cost saving effect is the main reason for the spread of zero tillage technology in rice-wheat system. Current paper presented a review of different tillage systems and their effects on soil physical properties, plant available water, soil organic matter and nutrients, rice residues, wheat yield and farmer’s economics.


Keywords: Rice; rice-wheat system; tillage system effects; wheat; zero tillage



Pengeluaran gandum adalah komponen penting dalam sistem penanaman di Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) Asia Selatan yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam keselamatan makanan dunia. Tanaman ini diusahakan di kawasan seluas kira-kira 13.5 M ha di Asia Selatan. Dalam sistem penanaman gandum padi, alasan utama penurunan hasil gandum adalah penggunaan amalan penanaman yang tidak bijak semasa penyediaan benih gandum, penanaman varieti padi yang sudah matang, kekurangan air, kekurangan tenaga kerja, kos baja yang tinggi dan amalan pengurusan tanaman yang buruk. Teknologi penjimatan sumber meningkatkan kelestarian dan produktiviti gandum, yang akhirnya meningkatkan penghidupan petani dan mengurangkan kemiskinan. Pembajakan mempunyai peranan penting dalam operasi pertanian untuk manipulasi tanah untuk mengoptimumkan produktiviti tanaman. Sistem penanaman yang berlainan dipraktikkan untuk produksi gandum dalam sistem penanaman gandum padi termasuk sistem pengolahan intensif, penanaman konvensional dan dalam penggarapan konservasi yang terdiri daripada pengolahan minimum, penanaman rabung dan sistem penanaman tanpa penanaman atau sifar. Tanaman sifar menghasilkan sistem penanaman yang lebih mudah diakses dan cekap yang memastikan penanaman gandum tepat pada masanya, memotong operasi penanaman, pengurusan sisa tanaman yang lebih baik yang akhirnya meminimumkan kos pengeluaran dan menjaga kebersihan persekitaran. Kos operasi untuk semaian gandum adalah 50-60% lebih rendah dengan semaian sifar pembajakan (ZT) daripada semaian konvensional. Kesan penjimatan kos adalah sebab utama penyebaran teknologi penanaman sifar dalam sistem gandum. Kertas ini membentangkan kajian mengenai sistem pengolahan yang berbeza dan kesannya terhadap sifat fizikal tanah, air yang ada pada tanaman, bahan organik tanah dan nutrien, sisa beras, hasil gandum dan ekonomi petani.


Kata kunci: Gandum; kesan sistem pembajakan; padi; sawah; sistem padi-gandum




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