Sains Malaysiana 51(10)(2022):
Allelopathic Effect of Eichhornia
crassipes Aqueous Extract against Growth of Mimosa pudica
Alelopati Ekstrak Akueus Eichhornia crassipes terhadap pertumbuhan Mimosa
Department of
Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University,
94000, Pattani, Thailand
23 November 2021/Accepted: 10 May 2022
Allelopathy is a phenomenon in which a plant
produces allelochemicals that affect neighboring plants' growth and
physiological processes. This study aimed to investigate the allelopathic
effect of Eichhornia crassipes on
the growth of Mimosa pudica seedlings.
The experiment was conducted in the pot, where M.
pudica seedlings were irrigated with aqueous leaf extract
of E. crassipes at 5, 10
and 15% (w/v) concentrations once a week for four consecutive weeks. The
experiment was carried out by Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three
replicates. The allelochemical contents of leaf extract were quantified using a
spectrophotometric method, and the total phenolic content was 129.54 mg GAE/g
DW. The maximum percentage of electrolyte leakage was detected in M. pudica seedlings when treated with a
higher concentration of E. crassipes leaf
extract. The allelopathic effect of E.
crassipes extract on growth, chlorophyll content and lipid
peroxidation was also determined. The result showed a significant decrease in
length, weight and chlorophyll contents treated with 10 and 15% concentrations
of E. crassipes leaf
extracts. However, malondialdehyde (MDA) in the root of M. pudica seedlings treated with aqueous
leaf extract of E. crassipes at
10% and 15% (w/v) concentrations were found to be remarkably higher compared to
control. These results indicated that the E.
crassipes leaf extract exhibited allelopathic effects on M. pudica growth. However, the increase
of the allelopathic effect of E. crassipes leaf
extract was concentration-dependent.
Allelopathy; Eichhornia crassipes; Mimosa pudica
ialah fenomenon apabila tumbuhan menghasilkan alelokimia yang mempengaruhi
pertumbuhan dan proses fisiologi tumbuhan bersebelahan. Kajian ini bertujuan
untuk mengkaji kesan alelopati Eichhornia crassipes terhadap pertumbuhan
anak benih Mimosa pudica. Uji kaji dijalankan di dalam pasu dengan anak
benih M. pudica disiram dengan ekstrak akueus daun E. crassipes pada kepekatan 5, 10 dan 15% (w/v) sekali seminggu selama empat minggu
berturut-turut. Uji kaji telah dijalankan secara Reka Bentuk Rawak Sepenuhnya
(CRD) dengan tiga replikasi. Kandungan alelokimia ekstrak daun dihitung
menggunakan kaedah spektrofotometri dan jumlah kandungan fenol ialah 129.54 mg
GAE/g DW. Peratusan maksimum kebocoran elektrolit dikesan pada anak benih M.
pudica apabila dirawat dengan kepekatan ekstrak daun E. crassipes yang lebih tinggi. Kesan alelopati ekstrak E. crassipes terhadap
pertumbuhan, kandungan klorofil dan peroksidasi lipid juga ditentukan. Hasil
menunjukkan penurunan ketara pada panjang, berat dan kandungan klorofil yang
dirawat dengan kepekatan 10% dan 15% ekstrak daun E. crassipes. Walau
bagaimanapun, malondialdehid (MDA) dalam akar anak benih M. pudica yang
dirawat dengan ekstrak akueus daun E. crassipes pada kepekatan 10% dan
15% (w/v) didapati lebih tinggi berbanding kawalan. Keputusan ini menunjukkan
bahawa ekstrak daun E. crassipes menunjukkan kesan alelopati terhadap
pertumbuhan M. pudica. Walau bagaimanapun, peningkatan kesan alelopati
ekstrak daun E. crassipes bergantung kepada kepekatan.
kunci: Alelopati; Eichhornia
crassipes; Mimosa pudica
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