Sains Malaysiana 51(3)(2022): 695-706
Selection of Sub1 Locus for Submergence-Tolerant Introgression in a Backcrossing
of South Sumatra Rice based on SSR Markers
(Pemilihan Lokus Sub1 untuk Introgresi Ketahanan Penenggelaman dalam Kacukan Balik
Padi Sumatera Selatan berasaskan Penanda SSR)
1Graduate Student, Department of Crop
Science, Faculty
of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang,
30139, Indonesia
2Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, 30139, Indonesia
3Indonesian Center for Agricultural
Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD), Tentara Pelajar 3A Cimanggu, Bogor, West Java, 16111, Indonesia
4Seed Supervision and Certification Center
of South Sumatera Province, BPSB
TPH South Sumatra Province, Indonesia
5Department of Research & Development, PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk, Palembang, 30127, Indonesia
Received: 14 February 2021/Accepted: 6 August 2021
The development of a new
submergence-tolerant variety is one ideal solution to reduce submergence stress
impact caused by the unpredictable occurrence of flooding in the South Sumatra
riparian wetland rice cultivation area. The Sub1 gene for submergence tolerance
was introgressed into South Sumatra riparian wetland rice from the donor parent
FR13A using marker-assisted backcrossing. This study involves a backcrossing
between Pelita Rampak and BC1F1 Pelita Rampak,
FR13A-derived Sub1 breeding lines. The main objective of this
study was to introgress the Sub1 gene in BC2F1 using marker-assisted selection (MAS). The introgression of the Sub1 gene in the backcrossed lines was confirmed
by the tightly linked markers RM219 and RM23915. The segregation ratio of RM219
was a good fit to the expected 1:1 Mendelian single-gene model (DF = 1.0, p
≤ 0.05). In the background study, out of 237 SSR markers unlinked to the
target loci, 84 were found to be polymorphic between the two parents and were
used for background selection among the selected progeny. Recurrent parent
genome recovery in the backcrossed lines ranged from 57.1% to 72.6%.
Improvements in the tiller number, percentage of filled grain, productive
tiller number and percentage of tiller number were found on these backcrossed
lines. The five best backcrossed lines were selected based on SSR markers,
submergence tolerance, phenotypic study and agronomic performance.
Keywords: Backcrossing; rice; SSR markers; Sub1 gene;
varieti baru yang toleran terhadap penenggelaman adalah salah satu penyelesaian
yang ideal untuk mengurangkan kesan tekanan banjir yang tidak dapat dijangkakan
di kawasan penanaman padi di lembah Sumatera Selatan. Gen Sub1 untuk toleransi penenggelaman telah
diintrogresikan kepada padi lembah Sumatera Selatan daripada induk penderma
FR13A menggunakan Kacukan Balik Berbantukan Penanda. Kajian ini melibatkan
kacukan balik antara Pelita Rampak dan BC1F1 Pelita
Rampak, titisan biak baka Sub1 yang
berasal daripada FR13A. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk memasukkan gen
Sub1 kepada BC2F1 menggunakan Pemilihan Berbantukan
Penanda (MAS). Introgresi gen Sub1 dalam titisan kacukan balik telah disahkan oleh
penanda yang berkait rapat iaitu RM219 dan RM23915. Nisbah segregasi RM219
adalah bersesuaian dengan model gen tunggal Mendelian 1:1 yang dijangkakan (DF
= 1.0, p≤0.05). Dalam kajian latar belakang, daripada 237 penanda SSR
yang tidak berkaitan dengan lokasi sasaran, 84 didapati polimorfik antara dua
induk dan digunakan untuk pemilihan latar belakang antara progeni terpilih.
Pemulihan genom induk yang berulang dalam titisan kacukan balik berada antara
julat 57.1-72.6%. Peningkatan bilangan tiler, peratusan butiran terisi, bilangan
tiler produktif dan peratusan bilangan tiler dapat dilihat pada titisan kacukan
balik. Lima titisan kacukan balik terbaik telah dipilih berdasarkan penanda
SSR, toleransi penenggelaman, kajian fenotip dan prestasi agronomi.
kunci: Gen Sub1; kacukan
balik; padi; penanda SSR; penenggelaman
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