Sains Malaysiana 51(4)(2022):
The Effect of Moringa
oleifera Lam. Leaf Aqueous Extract on Seed Yield and Fibre Quality of
Linseed under Water Deficit Stress
(Kesan Akueus Ekstrak Daun Moringa oleifera Lam. terhadap Hasil Biji Benih dan Kualiti Serat Biji Rami di bawah Tekanan Kekurangan Air)
1Department of Botany, University of Science and Technology, Bannu KP,
2Department of Botany, University of Education, (Lahore)
Faisalabad Campus,
3Department of Biological Science, University of Baltistan Skardu,
4Department of Biotechnology University of Science and
Technology, Bannu KP,
Received: 24 November 2020/Accepted: 23 August 2021
Moringa oleifera leaf extract contains active ingredients with stimulatory effects on natural
processes of plants like uptake of nutrients, photosynthesis, biomass
production and flowering. Therefore, we
conducted field experiments to determine the effects of M. oleifera leaf aqueous extract (MLAE) on growth and fibre quality
of three linseed varieties viz. Roshni, BL1 and Chandni under water deficit
stress for two years. Water deficit stress was imposed during tillering growth phase (60 days after sowing) by skipping
four irrigations, keeping 40% soil field capacity. The MLAE (5%) was applied to
leaves once before the start of water deficit stress period and next 15 days
after imposition of water deficit stress. Analysis of MLAE showed the presence
of natural phenolics (150 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/mL extract) and
essential nutrients like Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn, and Fe. Positive impact of the MLAE
was observed on plant height, tillers production, leaf chlorophyll pigments,
phenolics content, sugars content, seed yield and fibre quality of linseed both
under non-stress and water deficit stress. Our studies concluded that MLAE can
be a probable approach for maintaining normal growth and fibre quality of
linseed plants under short supply of water.
Keywords: Biostimulant;
electrolyte leakage; fibre quality; phenolics; soluble sugars
Ekstrak daun Moringa oleifera mengandungi bahan aktif dengan kesan perangsang pada
proses semula jadi tumbuhan seperti pengambilan nutrien, fotosintesis, pengeluaran biomas dan pembungaan. Oleh itu, kami menjalankan uji kaji lapangan untuk menentukan kesan ekstrak akueus daun M. oleifera (MLAE) terhadap pertumbuhan dan kualiti serat tiga varieti biji rami,iaitu Roshni, BL1 dan
Chandni yang mengalami tekanan kekurangan air selama dua tahun. Tekanan kekurangan air dikenakan pada fasa pertumbuhan tiler (60 hari selepas semaian) dengan melangkau empat kali pengairan, mengekalkan kapasiti tanah ladang sehingga 40%. MLAE (5%) diaplikasikan pada daun sebanyak sekali sebelum bermulanya tempoh tekanan air dan 15 hari berikutnya setelah dikenakan tekanan. Analisis MLAE menunjukkan kehadiran fenol semula jadi (150 mg setara asid galik (GAE)/mL ekstrak) dan nutrien penting seperti Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn dan Fe. Kesan positif MLAE diperhatikan pada ketinggian tanaman, penghasilan tiler, pigmen klorofil daun, kandungan fenol, kandungan gula, hasil biji dan kualiti serat biji rami baik dalam keadaan tekanan dan kekurangan air. Kajian kami menyimpulkan bahawa MLAE berkemungkinan boleh menjadi pendekatan untuk mengekalkan pertumbuhan normal dan kualiti serat tanaman biji rami walaupun kekurangan bekalan air.
Kata kunci: Bioperangsang; bocoran elektrolit; fenol; gula larut; kualiti serat
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