Sains Malaysiana 51(6)(2022): 1895-1904


Compton Scrattering Study using Ludlum Configuration for Tissue-Equivalent Phantom Material Made from Soy-Lignin Bonded Rhizophoraspp. Particleboard

(Kajian Penyebaran Compton menggunakan Konfigurasi Ludlum untuk Bahan Fantom Setaraf Tisu yang Diperbuat daripada Lignin Soya Terikat Rhizophora spp. Papan Partikel)



1School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Abuja, 900105 Abuja, Nigeria
3School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia
4Advanced Medical & Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 13200 Penang, Malaysia
5School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
6Medical Physics and Secondary Dosimetry Laboratory, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 30 September 2021/Accepted: 1 November 2021



Rhizophora spp. particleboards were prepared at approximately (20.0 × 20.0 × 1.0) cm3 and at 1.0 g·cm-3 target density. The mass attenuation coefficient of the soy-lignin bonded Rhizophora spp. particleboard was measured by Compton scattering using Ludlum configuration utilizing the Cesium-137 (137Cs). Monte Carlo (MC) GATE code was employed to simulate the scattering by using the same set-up. Compton scattering results from both experimental and simulation methods were compared with XCOM value of water. Half value layer (HVL) and mean free path (MFP) were calculated and analyzed. For Compton scattering method in comparison to XCOM value of water, both non-coated and coated samples showed a statistically non-significant value with p-value more than 0.05. The overall results suggested that the mass attenuation coefficient, HVL and MFP of soy-lignin bonded Rhizophora spp. particleboard based on Compton scattering study is within close agreement with XCOM value for water, exhibiting its potential as phantom materials.


Keywords: Compton scattering; Monte Carlo simulation; Rhizophora spp.; soy-lignin bonded; tissue-equivalent phantom



Rhizophora spp. papan partikel disediakan pada ukuran (20.0 × 20.0 × 1.0) cm3 dan pada ketumpatan sasaran 1.0 g·cm-3. Pekali pelemahan jisim papan partikel yang diperbuat daripadaRhizophora spp. terikat soya-lignin diukur dengan penyebaran Compton menggunakan konfigurasi Ludlum Cesium-137 (137Cs). Kod GATE Monte Carlo (MC) digunakan untuk simulasi penyerakan dengan menggunakan susunanuji kajiyang sama. Hasil penyerakan Compton daripada kedua kaedahuji kaji dan simulasi dibandingkan dengan nilai air XCOM. Lapisan nilai separuh (HVL) dan jalur bebas min (MFP) dihitung dan dianalisis. Untuk kaedah penyebaran Compton dibandingkan dengan nilai air XCOM, kedua-dua sampel yang tidak bersalut dan bersalut menunjukkan nilai yang tidak signifikan secara statistik dengan nilai p lebih daripada 0.05. Hasil keseluruhan menunjukkan bahawa pekali pelemahan jisim, HVL dan MFP daripada papan partikel yang dibuat daripadaRhizophora spp. terikat soya-lignin berdasarkan kajian hamburan Compton adalah sangat dekat dengan nilai XCOM untuk air, menunjukkan potensinya sebagai bahan fantom.


Kata kunci: Fantom setara tisu; ikatan lignin soya; penyebaranCompton; Rhizophora spp.; simulasi Monte Carlo



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