Malaysiana 52(4)(2023):
Mapping Sea Grass Coverage of Tanjung Benoa Bali Using
Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery Sentinel 2B
(Pemetaan Liputan Rumput Laut Tanjung Benoa Bali
Menggunakan Imejan Satelit Resolusi Sederhana Sentinel 2B)
of Marine Science and Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Raya Telang 02 Madura East
Java, Indonesia
of Systematics and Ecology of Aquatic Organisms, Centre of Agrarian and
Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Maranhão, Chapadinha, State of
Maranhão, Brazil
3Department of
Marine Science, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Udayana
Jimbaran Campus Bali, Indonesia
4Environmental Research Centre, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar
Bali, Indonesia
21 July 2022/Accepted: 27 February 2023
beds are important components of a coastal ecosystem. This
ecosystem serves as the primer producers of the water food chain, habitat for marine biota, produces organic carbon, and indirectly contributes to the economic well-being of
coastal communities. However, the ecosystem is vulnerable to damage caused by
natural factors and human activities. The objectives of this study were,
firstly to identify the distribution of seagrass beds in Tanjung Benoa using
Sentinel 2B satellite imagery and secondly to compare classification results
from two different approaches namely pixel-based image classification and
object-based image classification. Accuracy-test was carried out using field
data reference of 195 sample points in the form of a 10 m X 10 m
transect. The image pre-processing process was conducted with Bottom of
Atmosphere (BoA) correction using the Dark Object Subtraction (DOS) method.
Furthermore, the water column correction was performed using the Depth
Invariant Index (DII) and the Lyzenga algorithm. The mapping results showed that the
area of seagrass beds in the shallow waters of Tanjung Benoa reaches 242.99 ha. There
were seven seagrass species in the study area, with an average cover of 75%.
The accuracy of object-based image classification was higher than that of
pixel-based classification with a difference up to 25% for six classes
classification and 15% for two classes classification. Excellent results for
classifying seagrasses based on cover density can be obtained when
high-resolution satellite imagery and OBIA are combined with the SVM or Fuzzy
Logic algorithm.
Keywords: Image classification; seagrass beds; Sentinel 2B; Tanjung Benoa; water
column correction
Hamparan rumput laut adalah komponen penting dalam ekosistem
pantai. Ekosistem ini berfungsi sebagai pengeluar primer rantai makanan air,
habitat biota marin, menghasilkan karbon organik dan secara tidak langsung
menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan ekonomi komuniti pesisir. Walau bagaimanapun,
ekosistem terdedah kepada kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh faktor semula jadi dan
aktiviti manusia. Objektif kajian ini adalah, pertama untuk mengenal pasti
taburan hamparan rumput laut di Tanjung Benoa menggunakan imej satelit Sentinel
2B dan kedua untuk membandingkan hasil pengelasan daripada dua pendekatan berbeza, iaitu pengelasan imej berasaskan piksel dan pengelasan imej berasaskan objek. Ujian ketepatan dijalankan dengan menggunakan rujukan data lapangan daripada 195 titik sampel dalam bentuk transek 10 m × 10 m. Proses pra-pemprosesan imej dijalankan
berdasarkan pembetulan Bottom of Atmosphere (BoA) dengan menggunakan kaedah Dark Object Subtraction (DOS). Tambahan pula, pembetulan lajur air turut dilakukan dengan menggunakan Indeks Invarian Kedalaman (DII) dan
algoritma Lyzenga. Hasil pemetaan menunjukkan bahawa keluasan hamparan rumput laut di perairan cetek Tanjung Benoa
mencapai 242.99 ha. Terdapat tujuh spesies rumput laut di kawasan kajian dengan
purata penutupan 75%. Ketepatan pengelasan imej berasaskan objek adalah lebih tinggi berbanding pengelasan berasaskan piksel dengan perbezaan sehingga 25%
untuk pengelasan enam kelas dan 15% untuk pengelasan dua kelas. Keputusan
yang baik untuk mengelaskan rumput laut berdasarkan kepadatan penutup boleh diperoleh apabila
imej satelit resolusi tinggi dan OBIA digabungkan dengan algoritma SVM atau
Fuzzy Logic.
Kata kunci: Hamparan rumput laut; pembentulan kolum air; pengelasan imej; Tanjung Benoa; Sentinel 2B
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