Sains Malaysiana 46(6)(2017): 981–988
Protection of Apricot Biodiesel from Thermal
Degradation by using Natural Antioxidants of Fagopyrum tataricum(L.) Gaertn.
(Perlindungan Biodiesel Aprikot daripada Degradasi Termal menggunakan Antioksida Semula Jadi daripada Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.
of Botany, University of Science and Technology Bannu,
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan
of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology Bannu,
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan
of Agriculture Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Diserahkan: 26
Mac 2016/Diterima: 19 Disember 2016
The present study
aims to improve the oxidation stability of wild apricot kernel oil biodiesel (WAKOB)
by using natural antioxidants of Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn). Biodiesel was synthesized at different catalyst (NaOH) concentrations, reaction temperatures, reaction time
intervals and methanol-to-oil molar ratios. Thermal oxidative stability
measurements were carried out according to EN14112
using a Rancimet instrument. Our results showed a
high yield of biodiesel (97±1.092) at 65oC
in the presence of 1% NaOH (%w/w oil) and
methanol/oil molar ratio of 9:1 and for the time duration of 60 min. Proton
nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) confirmed the conversion
percentage of kernel oil into biodiesel, which was further evidenced by Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and refractometer
analyses. Methanolic fraction of Tartary buckwheat
leaves (MTBWLF) was standardized to contain the highest amount of phenolics (209 mg gallic acid/100 g). In this study, the mixture of synthetic antioxidant butylated
hydroxyl toluene (BHT) (0.25%) and methanolic extract of Tartary buckwheat leaves (0.5%) ensured high oxidation stability of
biodiesel samples, leading to stabilizing factor of 4.86.
Keywords: Biodiesel; FT-IR spectroscopy; 1HNM spectroscopy; natural
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kestabilan pengoksidaan minyak kernel aprikot liar
biodiesel (WAKOB) dengan menggunakan antioksidan semula jadi daripada gandum buck Tartary (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn). Biodiesel telah disintesis pada kepekatan pemangkin berbeza (NaOH), tindak balas suhu, tindak balas reaksi selang masa dan nisbah molar metanol kepada minyak. Pengukuran kestabilan termal oksidatif telah dijalankan mengikut EN14112 dengan menggunakan instrumen Rancimet. Keputusan kami menunjukkan hasil biodiesel yang tinggi (97±1.092) pada 65oC kehadiran 1% NaOH (%w/w minyak) dan metanol/ nisbah molar minyak 9:1 dan untuk tempoh masa 60 min. Nuklear proton resonans magnetik (1H NMR) mengesahkan peratusan penukaran minyak isirong kepada biodiesel, dan dibuktikan seterusnya oleh spektroskopi transformasi Fourier Inframerah (FT-IR) dan analisis refraktometer. Pecahan metanolik daun gandum buck Tartary (MTBWLF) telah dipiawaikan untuk mengandungi jumlah tertinggi fenolik (209 mg asid galik/100 g). Dalam kajian ini, campuran sintetik antioksidan butilated toluen hidroksil (BHT)
(0.25%) dan ekstrak metanolik daun gandum buck Tartary (0.5%) memastikan kestabilan pengoksidaan sampel biodiesel yang tinggi yang membawa kepada penstabilan faktor 4.86.
Kata kunci: Antioksidan semula jadi; biodiesel; spektroskopi FT-IR; spektroskopi 1HNM
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