Sains Malaysiana 48(10)(2019): 2191–2199
The Neuroprotective Effect of Nasturtium
officinale on Learning Ability and
Density of Parvalbumin Neurons in the Hippocampus of Neurodegenerative-Induced
Mice Model
(Kesan Neuropelindung Nasturtium officinale
pada Keupayaan
Pembelajaran dan Kepadatan Neuron Parvalbumin di
Hipokampus Model Tikus Teraruh Neurodegeneratif)
1Department of Pharmacology,
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Hatyai, Songkhla
90110, Thailand
2Department of Physiology,
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Hatyai, Songkhla
90110, Thailand
3Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Prince of Songkla University,
Hatyai, Songkhla
90110, Thailand
4Department of Anatomy,
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla
University, Hatyai, Songkhla
90110, Thailand
Diserahkan: 14 Februari 2019/Diterima: 20 Ogos 2019
According to European traditional
pharmacopeia, as well as in Chinese traditional medicine, watercress
(Nasturtium officinale) has a property
in enhancing physical stamina during stress condition. The aim of
the study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effects of watercress
extract (WCE)
on dexamethasone-induced neurodegeneration in mice. Swiss albino
male mice (35-40 g) were divided into 6 groups: double distilled
water (DW)
and normal saline solution (NSS) (DW+NSS),
and dexamethasone (DW+DEX)-treated for 21 days, 80
mg/kg of watercress extract (WCE) and NSS (80WCE+NSS),
and WCE-treated (14 days prior to and during dexamethasone treatment)
at variable doses of 20 mg/kg (20WCE+DEX),
40 mg/kg (40WCE+DEX), and 80 mg/kg (80WCE+DEX).
At the end of the experiment, animals were tested for spatial memory
and learning ability by Morris Water Maze apparatus to determine
the escape latency time (ELT), and the density of parvalbumin
(PV)-immunoreactive (PV-ir)
neurons in the hippocampus of the brain, using immunohistochemistry.
After dexamethasone treatment, the animals had significantly lower
body weight, higher ELT and reduced density of PV-ir neurons in the CA1 and CA2
regions of the hippocampus, compared to the control animals. These
parameters partially improved in animals supplemented with WCE but
without a dose-related pattern. This study suggests that WCE may
be beneficial for neuroprotection in stress-induced neurodegeneration.
Keywords: Hippocampus; Nasturtium
officinale; neurodegeneration; parvalbumin
neurons; spatial memory
Menurut farmakopeia tradisi Eropah dan perubatan
tradisi China, selada
air (Nasturtium
officinale) mempunyai
sifat dalam
meningkatkan stamina fizikal semasa keadaan stres. Tujuan kajian ini adalah
untuk menilai
kesan neuropelindung daripada ekstrak selada air (WCE) pada
deksametason-teraruh neurodegenerasi
pada tikus.
Tikus jantan Swiss Albino (35-40
g) telah dibahagikan
kepada 6 kumpulan: Air suling dua kali (DW)
dan larutan garam
biasa (NSS) (DW + NSS),
dan deksametason
+ DEX)-dirawat selama
21 hari, 80 mg/kg daripada ekstrak
selada air (WCE) dan
(80WCE + NSS), dan
WCE-dirawat (14 hari sebelum dan semasa rawatan
deksametason) pada
pelbagai dos 20 mg/kg (20WCE + DEX),
40 mg/kg (40WCE + DEX), dan 80 mg/kg (80WCE
+ DEX). Pada akhir
uji kaji, haiwan telah diuji
untuk ingatan
ruang dan keupayaan
belajar menggunakan
perkakasan Lorongan Keliru Morris untuk menentukan waktu lepas kependaman (ELT),
dan ketumpatan
neuron parvalbumin (PV)-imunoreaktif
(PV-ir) pada hipokampus
otak menggunakan
imunohistokimia. Selepas rawatan deksametason, tikus mempunyai berat badan yang jauh lebih rendah,
lebih tinggi
dan kurang ketumpatan
neuron PV-ir di kawasan
dan CA2 hipokampus
berbanding dengan
tikus kawalan. Parameter ini sebahagiannya bertambah baik pada haiwan yang diberikan WCE tetapi
tanpa corak
yang berkaitan dengan dos. Kajian ini menunjukkan
bahawa WCE mungkin
bermanfaat untuk
neuropelindung dalam neurodegeneratif teraruh tekanan.
Kata kunci: Hipokampus;
ruang; Nasturtium officinale; neurodegeneratif;
parvalbumin neuron
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